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Agroforestry sector in the EU and beyond: Towards novel policies and financing frameworks

Day: 9/12/2023
Time: 14:00 -
 15:30 (Dubai local time)
Place: Mediterranean Coalition Office
Organised by: EMEA

With the growing ambition of the European Green Deal and the regional development agendas to overcome current challenges related to climate change, environmental degradation and food security, policy initiatives and sustainable practices are needed to transform the Euro-Mediterranean region into a more integrated, resource-efficient and competitive economy. Agroforestry, as a multifunctional system, could be at the centre of this transition given its potential environmental, economic and social benefits.

Recent scientific studies reveal the need for a policy framework that links food systems, agriculture, forestry and rural development for a holistic approach to environmental, economic and social sustainability to overcome the most critical barriers to agroforestry adoption in the Euro-Mediterranean region. This session will present the latest developments and knowledge on finance and policies applicable to the agroforestry sector, supported by new tools and approaches. It will also make it possible to present the priority levers to be activated allowing strengthened Mediterranean cooperation in these areas.

For more info: https://euromed-economists.org/event/emea-at-cop28-agroforestry-sector-in-the-euro-mediterranean-towards-novel-policies-cooperation-and-financing-frameworks/