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Built Environment and Green Living Areas as resilience and adaptation to climate change in cities

Day: 6/12/2023
Time: 15:00 -
 16:00 (Dubai local time)
Place: Mediterranean Coalition Office
Organised by: EMEA

A systemic and holistic vision is necessary to design and implement solutions to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change in our cities.  This challenge is tackled by the EU INTERREG Euro-MED Green Living Areas Mission. The project aims to improve the lives of Mediterranean citizens by promoting the development of Green Living Areas. The Mission is to put sustainable development, management of living areas, and the energy transition front and centre to improve the quality of life of Mediterranean citizens. This session aims to discuss the main challenges of living areas in the context of climate change, as well as the actions that should be adapted to make it more sustainable. The participants will share their experiences on how to facilitate the green transition in the areas of energy, mobility, economy, urban health and liveability.

For more info: https://euromed-economists.org/event/emea-at-cop28-built-environment-and-green-living-areas-as-resilience-and-adaptation-approaches-to-climate-change-in-cities/
