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Energy Transition in the Mediterranean and Africa: Needs and Perspectives

Day: 5/12/2023
Time: 14:00 -
 15:00 (Dubai local time)
Place: Mediterranean Coalition Office
Organised by: EMEA

The transition to clean and sustainable energy sources is a global imperative that serves the dual purpose of addressing climate change and fostering socio-economic development. The Mediterranean region and Africa, endowed with abundant renewable energy resources and diverse energy needs, play a pivotal role in spearheading this energy transformation. The capacities of solar and wind need to be considered as well as factors such as a sustainable energy supply and expanding energy access.

In line with recent developments, such as the Russian war in Ukraine and the EU’s Hydrogen Corridor in the Southern Neighbourhood and various EU-Southern Neighbourhood Green Partnerships, this event seeks explore the current paths for energy transition in the Mediterranean and Africa and consider future scenarios. Moreover, this event seeks to bring into the discussion the role of the African civil society, investigating the main challenges and opportunities for the region and the possible conflicting interests at stake.

For more info: https://euromed-economists.org/event/emea-at-cop28-energy-transition-in-the-mediterranean-and-africa-needs-and-perspectives/