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Fostering Clean Cooking: Challenges, Holistic Solutions, Behavioral Change

Day: 11/12/2023
Time: 17:00 -
 18:30 (Dubai local time)
Place: Mediterranean Coalition Office
Organised by: UfM & Fondazione AVSI

Fostering Clean Cooking: Challenges, Holistic Solutions, Behavioral Change:

1. Opening Remarks and moderator – Grammenos Mastrojeni

2. Clean cooking promotion in Africa: CSOs experiences, opportunities and challenges – Alessandro Galimberti (AVSI) -Online

3. Key for success: Consumers’ behavioral change promotion – Prof.Vania Vigolo (Univ. of Verona) – Online

4. Monitoring and holistic impacts evaluation – Michael Johnson (Berkeley Air and Berkeley University) – In Dubai

5. Local voices – Woman from Ivory Coast (Translation in English by Vincenzo Gangone AVSI) – Online live or registered

6. Local Governments between private investment promotion and community safeguards – Herman Hakuzimana (Rwanda ministry of Environment) – In Dubay

7. Closing remarks

Live streaming here: https://bit.ly/cop28_avsi