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Green jobs and skills as drivers of a just transition for youth and women in the Mediterranean region

Day: 10/11/2022
Time: 10:00 -
 11:00 (Dubai local time)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion, Blue Zone and online http://mediterraneanpavilion.com/
Organised by: German Development Cooperation

The ILO estimates that global action limiting global warming to 2 °C has a potential to lead to the creation of 24 million jobs worldwide. This includes the Mediterranean region, where new ‘green industries’ and the greening of traditional sectors have the potential to create a significant number of jobs. At the same time, jobs in some traditional sectors might be put at risk. Industries will have to adapt, and the world of work has to adapt accordingly: Green skills, which give employees the ability to work in green sectors and which support the green transformation of all industries have become a focus of discussions on skills development, TVET and lifelong learning. Well-designed social and labour market policies need to accompany this transition to cushion its possible negative effects. How can jobs be transformed and affected workers be reskilled and reintegrated in the labour market? How will women and youth fare in this transition, who quite often are already vulnerable and employed in the informal sector?   The session will feature a high-level panel discussion on some of the most important questions in the field:    How can we best promote a green transition and the development of green skills in the Southern Mediterranean?  What actions should governments, businesses and civil society take to achieve a just transition to green economies?  How do we empower women and youth, particularly those working in the informal sector, to benefit from the green economy?  Which sectors are most prone to have green jobs for youth and women?  It will also showcase projects of the EU, GIZ and their partners in the Mediterranean region.


H.E Nasser Kamel, Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean

H.E. Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment of the Arabic Republic of Egypt

Joost Korte, Director-General for Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion, European Commission (DG EMPL)

Birgit Pickel, Director General Africa at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ)

Eric Oechslin, Director of the ILO Decent Work Team for North Africa and of the ILO Country Office for Egypt and Eritrea


Dr. Regine Qualmann, Head of Division for North Africa, GIZ