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Promoting green & blue growth innovation in the Mediterranean: adopting circular economy strategies for climate change mitigation and adaptation

Day: 17/11/2022
Time: 15:00 -
 16:00 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: Interreg MED Programme and UNIMED

In this event, arguments why green and blue innovation should move forward together and the role of public authorities in adopting circular economy strategies in these fields will be introduced. Keynote speakers will intervene with experiences regarding how public authorities can promote and support business models to become more innovative and circular and, therefore, tackling resource efficiency and reduction of carbon footprint to mitigate and adapt to climate change scenarios. In addition, a showcase video will present specific developed innovative tools and solutions. A final joint vision from both the Interreg MED Blue Growth and Green Growth communities will serve to conclude the event and promote the adoption of innovative tools in other territories or sectors.