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Boosting Energy Efficient Buildings in the Mediterranean Region

Day: 7/11/2022
Time: 17:30 -
 18:30 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: Union for the Mediterranean

This event will spotlight the need to boost action through national commitments and international cooperation. Experts and representatives of national governments and the European Commission will showcase their collective efforts towards an energy-efficient, decarbonized and climate resilient built-environment in the Mediterranean Region. The Programme of Energy Efficiency in Buildings (PEEB), the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the Mitigation Enabling Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Region (meetMED) initiative will announce the launch of PEEB Med and reinforce cooperation to raise awareness and increase action in the region with the support of the European Commission.

The Programme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (PEEB) is a French-German initiative implemented by Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbiet (GIZ) and the Agence de la Transition Ecologique (ADEME). PEEB combines financing for large-scale projects with policy support and technical assistance to shift buildings and construction towards Paris alignment.

PEEB will expand its financing support to 7 Southern Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Territories and Tunisia) with the launch of PEEB Med in partnership with the European Commission from 2022 onwards. The Mitigation Enabling Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Region project (meetMED II) strengthens the decarbonisation of national energy mixes and the implementation of energy efficiency measures in buildings and appliances through a multiscale, multi-partner and inclusive approach at local and regional levels, thereby fostering regional cooperation among 8 Southern Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine Territories and Tunisia).

Event’s objectives

  • Raise awareness on the need for action towards energy-efficient, decarbonized and resilient buildings and construction in the Southern Mediterranean Region
  • Showcase ongoing national and international initiatives to scale up action
  • Announce stronger cooperation between UfM, PEEB and MeetMED II
  • Highlight the commitment of the European Commission to support energy-efficiency in the Mediterranean Region


  • Welcome – Mariana Castaño Cano, PEEB (Moderator)
  • Introductory Remarks – Cristina Casella, Programme Manager, Climate Change and Blue Economy, European Commission
  • Presentation of PEEB Med – Mathilde Bord-Laurans, Head of Climate Change Department, AFD
  • Priorities in the region – Roberta Boniotti, General Secretary, MEDENER
  • Presentation of meetMED – Jauad El Kharraz, Executive Director, RCREE/meetMED
  • Morocco’s priorities and actions in the sector – Soraya Khalil, Director, Direction de la Qualité et des Affaires Techniques, Ministère de l’Aménagement du Territoire National, de l’Urbanisme, de l’Habitat et de la Politique de la Ville (MATUHPV), Morocco
  • Egypt’s priorities and actions in the sector – Abd Elkhalek, Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities, Egypt
  • Discussion / Q&A
  • Concluding Remarks – Victoria Jimenez, Head of Sector for Urban Development, UfM