Towards an innovative integrated transformative action to tackle climate change

Day: 10/11/2022
Time: 11:00 -
12:00 .
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA)

The event presents the latest science- based innovative initiatives that are exploring how to align most recent pioneering scientific knowledge, research with sustainability to tackle decisively climate change challenges. The event is organised by EMEA and gathers founders from Minderoo Foundation , Rebalance Earth, IMF research on Nature Based Solutions, Brain Capital Alliance, the Blue Green World, and Switchmed to accelerate sustainability, that tackles climate change challenges from a trans-disciplinary perspective, linking economy, biodiversity, neuroscience, urban planning and finance. Science allows us to address societal challenges based on experiments and evidence and to formulate solutions that are based on reality checks. Climate change challenges require scientific knowledge put into practice through innovative and transformative actions. It is necessary to identify the main elements to bring science closer to decision-making and the implementation of actions. The aim of the event is to present ongoing initiatives that are exploring innovative ways of aligning scientific knowledge with sustainability and climate change policies. Nature and brain capital, clean energy, circular economy, and territorial resilience are presented as key vectors in the political agendas of the coming years. These vectors are alternatives to the reference models of wealth creation and economic development built on unrestrained resources extraction with no account to innovative solutions to accelerate a net zero carbon economy. To this end, the objective of this event is to discuss the transformative action towards accelerated sustainability from a trans-disciplinary perspective, linking economy with technology-based clean energy, biodiversity, neuroscience, urban planning, and finance. Agenda Moderator: Prof. Rym Ayadi, President and Founder of EMEA Keynote speaker: Dr Mark Hutchinson, CEO, Fortescue Future Industries Panellists: Dr Ralph Chami, Assistant Director, Institute for Capacity Development, International Monetary Fund Dr Harris Eyre, Co-founder of Brain Capital Alliance Enrique de Villamore, Director, Medwaves Rick Fox, CEO Partanna Dr Cynthia Echave, Project Coordinator and Senior Researcher, EMEA The Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA) is a Barcelona-based regional think-tank that serves as a leading independent and innovative policy research institution; a forum for debate on the political and socio-economic reforms in Mediterranean and Africa; and promoter of actions and initiatives that fulfil objectives of sustainability, inclusiveness, regional integration and prosperity.