
The Mediterranean region warms 20% faster than the rest of the world. With current policies, temperatures are expected to increase 2.2 ºC by 2040. These are some of the alarming conclusions of the ground-breaking findings of the first-ever scientific report on climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean area drafted by the network of scientists MedECC.

With a total budget of 1,850000 euros over a 4-year period, the project Scaling up forest and landscape restoration seeks to restore biodiversity and promote joint mitigation and adaptation approaches in the Mediterranean. Promoted by the Union for the Mediterranean and promoted by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the project will build regional and national capacity for the implementation of large-scale Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR) programmes.

By specifically targeting the Sophia Antipolis agglomeration (CASA) in the South of France, this project aims at highlighting the international agreements and national legal commitments for climate change adaptation while considering the local value systems to establish a set of co-constructed proposals to be transcribed into local urban planning documents. Funded by Fondation de France, this project is led by Plan Bleu, in partnership with GREC SUD, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, the Sophia Antipolis agglomeration and its development council

In the programme of events at Ecomondo, point of reference for the Green and Circular Economy, Africa is present with its rapid and necessary transformation. Ecomondo organizes Africa Green Growth with the support of Res4Africa, a forum that promotes the conditions to boost investment in Africa, accelerate the energy and ecological transition and enable companies to enter this market. “Innovative and sustainable initiatives for African countries” and “Green Hydrogen” are the main focuses. Join the Forum at Ecomondo, 10th November in Rimini.

A call for ideas to select the best projects to develop the energy transition path and solve the industry’s challenges in the Mediterranean region is being launched by OMC organizers and FEEM – Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.

The aim is to promote and award research and technological innovation in the field of sustainable energy with focus on the Mediterranean region, helping new generations of researchers and young professionals to emerge, supporting their work. The promotion of new alliances across the Med is key to accelerate the transition towards a low carbon and sustainable future. The call is selecting projects from universities, academic institutions, research and technology centres from the region.

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