Based on the alarming conclusions of the latest scientific work on climate issues, this event aims to mobilise networks of actors involved in the adaptation of coastal cities in the Mediterranean basin. Coastal cities aggregate a set of vulnerabilities that climate change exacerbates. Scientists, cities networks, elected officials and NGOs are organising to warn, accompany and advance the planning sustainable responses. Integrating all the issues in a process of co-construction remains a huge challenge that each participant in this event is trying to meet, collectively. Background The Mediterranean region is subject to a diversity of compounds risks due to climate change, such as sea level rise. While some responses have already been implemented – mainly by protecting coastal communities and infrastructure with dykes and seawalls – many challenges still stand in the way of cities’ adaptation. Indeed, knowledge gaps and obstacles remain in reflections on the deployment of Nature-based Solutions, or regarding the relocation of activities, assets and people. The Mediterranean basin is a complex region which, despite attempts for further cooperation and coordination on coastal management, is characterised by a relatively high degree of heterogeneity. The lack of cohesive approach is particularly salient regarding coastal adaptation to climate change. Hence, building on regional experience and expertise has the potential to unlock adaptation capacities and collectively enhance the basin’s resilience to climate change. This regional cooperation could support an integrated local approach which draws on territorial solidarity while accounts for local specificities to develop tailored and more ambitious adaptation strategies. Event objectives This event aims to take stock of the complex situation in the Mediterranean region and to propose solutions to advance the resilience of coastal cities and territories. Several networks of cities and experts of coastal adaptation will share their experiences and present the diversity of concrete actions and initiatives deployed in the region, as well as identify priorities for action to accelerate climate adaptation.