Europe’s role for sustainable development. Earth Day Europe relaunches commitment to Green Deal implementation

Day: 20/11/2024
Time: 16:00 -
17:00 .
Place: MedPavilion - Blue Zone, Area E, F1B
Organised by: Earth Day Europe

In recent years, the European Union has undertaken a leading role in the fight against climate change and UN 2030 Agenda implementation. Within the European continent, the policies adopted by the EU are translating into new standards with which both the economic system and civil society are being called upon to deal. The Event will be an opportunity to officially launch Earth Day Europe, an aggregation of Earth Day partners subsidiary to European Green Deal development and implementation.

Opening remarks
Pierluigi Sassi – President of Earth Day Italia

Keynote speech
Grammenos Mastrojeni – Secretary General, Union for the Mediterranean

Panel discussion
Moderation: Pierluigi Sassi – President of Earth Day Italia
Grammenos Mastrojeni – Secretary General, Union for the Mediterranean
Enrico Giovannini – Scientific Director, Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development – ASviS (online participation)
Alberto Gambescia – Sole director of EUtalia (online participation)

Earth Day Europe presentation
Pierluigi Sassi – President of Earth Day Italia
Giovanni Caccamo – Artist (online participation)

Pierluigi Sassi – President of Earth Day Italia