The Inclusive Diplomacy Lounge at COP29 will bring together formal and informal diplomats to explore how inclusive diplomacy can serve as a tool for preventing climate-induced conflicts and fostering peace in vulnerable regions. Distinguished keynote speakers with expertise in environmental cooperation, sustainable development, and diplomacy will set the stage with insights on cross-border collaboration, resilience, and social stability. Their perspectives will frame a rich discussion on diplomatic strategies that bridge climate resilience and peacebuilding, creating a unique space for participants to engage in meaningful dialogue on these critical, interconnected issues.
Opening remarks
- Katarzyna Hanula-Bobbitt- Global Diplomacy Lab
Key note address
- Smiljana Knez- Ambassador-at-Large for Climate Diplomacy
Follow up interventions on peace-climate nexus
- Gidon Bromberg, Israel Director Eco-Peace (ONLINE)
- Tanja Faller- Director of Technical Assessment and Monitoring
Q&A and Interactive Discussion and Wrap up
- Moderator: Eleonora Tafuro- Global Diplomacy Lab