Press Conference: MedECC Special Reports on Coastal Risks and the WEFE Nexus
18 November 2024
Press Conference - Karabakh Area D
From 12:00
to 12:30 pm Baku time
Watch the press conference:
MedECC, the Euro-Mediterranean Climate and Environmental Scientists Network, will present two special reports on forecasted coastal risks and the Water-Energy-FoodEcosystems Nexus in the Mediterranean region at COP29. Following a brief introduction by the UfM Deputy Secretary General for Energy and Climate Action, Grammenos Mastrojeni, MedECC scientists will assess their latest findings and put forth key information to support informed decision-making.
The special reports addresses two specific challenges identified in the First Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1), presented in 2020 as the first-ever scientific report on climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean area.
The UfM prioritises the promotion of scientific knowledge in the region, a major climate change hotspot warming at a rate 20% faster than the global average. It played a central role in establishing MedECC in 2015 and continues to work with the network to raise awareness about its scientific assessments on the impacts of climate and environmental changes in the Mediterranean basin.
For more information and to request interviews
Cristina Tomàs
Press Officer
+34 691 519 634

What is the MedECC network?
MedECC (Mediterranean Experts on Climate and environmental Change) is an open and independent network of scientists founded in 2015 with support from the Union for the Mediterranean and Plan Bleu (UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Center). It assesses the best available scientific knowledge on climate and environmental change and the associated risks in the Mediterranean basin to make results accessible to decision-makers, stakeholders and citizens. It published the first-ever Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1) in 2020.