UfM Regional Platforms on Industrial Cooperation
Context and Objectives
Not only does the private sector, including MSMEs, play a key role in generating economic value and creating much needed decent jobs, but it also contributes to achieving sustainable and inclusive economic development. Therefore, Governments constantly work to improve business environment, so companies can thrive.
The UfM Regional Platform on Industrial Cooperation adopts a joint Work Programme on industrial cooperation and SME Development.
In this context, the UfM Regional Platform on Industrial Cooperation offers a unique space for policy dialogue and exchange of best practices on how to promote the private sector and entrepreneurship in the region by addressing specific challenges such as access to finance and international market. This platform is meant to bring together twice a year representatives from ministries of industry and agencies of the UfM Member States as well as representatives from European institutions/agencies and international organisations.
Concretely, the UfM Regional Platform on Industrial Cooperation adopts a joint Work Programme on industrial cooperation and SME Development which identifies a set of goals to be achieved and actions that might be implemented by the Member Countries, while the European Commission could support selected key priorities of the Work Programme through regional programmes as far as they correspond to its established priorities and subject to available funds.
From its part, the UfM Secretariat, within the framework of its own Work programme and in line with its priorities of work, contributes to the implementation of this Work programme through the organization of ad hoc events and the labelling of relevant projects. For instance, the UfM Secretariat organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Cyprus and with the support of GIZ a two-day UfM Conference on “enhancing MSMEs resilience in face of future shocks” in Nicosia (Cyprus) on 6 and 7 October 2022.
The ongoing Work programme on Industrial Cooperation covers the period 2021-2024 and is structured around the following five thematic chapters:
- Strengthen the EU-South neighbourhood value chain integration.
- Encourage internationalisation and support to MSMEs, innovation, business environment and access to finance.
- Enhance digitalisation.
- Support the MSMEs green transition of the UfM region.
- Promoting policies for decent job creation and social economy.
Policy Framework
The Final Statement adopted at the Euro-Mediterranean Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, held in Marseille on 3-4 November 2008, identified industrial cooperation as one of the field of cooperation in the future under the pillar of Economic and Financial Partnership.
Key partners and stakeholders
- The EU Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs – DG GROW
- Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan