03.10.2012: The Multilateral Track of Euro-Mediterranean Relations: The Role of the Union for the Mediterranean
Palau de Pedralbes, Barcelona – Start date: 03.10.2012
This workshop, organized by the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean, EuroMesCo and IEMed, will focus on the analysis of the current key challenges in the Euro-Mediterranean relations. It will explore the role of the UfM during the political transformation processes of the southern shore of the Mediterranean and on the economic crisis that the northern shore is facing. In addition, it will provide the state of play of UfM labelled projects in order to identify the most promising areas of sectorial cooperation and ways to uphold democratic reform through specific projects.
The Secretary General of the UfM, Fatallah Sijilmassi, will participate as a speaker, as well as the UfM Deputies Secretary General: Lino Cardarelli, Ilan Chet, Yigit Alpogan, Cecilia Attard-Pirotta and Rafiq Husseini.
The workshop will be attended by a number of Mediterranean think-tanks, such as the IEMed and the CIDOB from Spain, the Centre des Études Méditerranéennes et Internationales from Tunisia and the Centre for European Policy Studies from Belgium, among others.
Please note that attendance to this event is by invitation only.