UfM Climate Week (23-25 April 2018, Barcelona)
23-25 April 2018, Barcelona. The UfM Climate Week will be the occasion to gather a wide range of actors (UfM members’ representatives, youth, IFIs, scientific experts…) around different topics, all related to climate action in the Mediterranean region. The Mediterranean region is one of the world’s climate change hotspots where the rise of temperature by 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels, the lower limit not to be surpassed as agreed through the Paris Agreement, is at risk of being exceeded in the coming years.
The Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean aims at taking advantage of the presence of several climate experts (from IFIs to governmental representatives, from youth to scientific specialists) to create and enhance synergies among them and to enrich the discussions and exchanges during the UfM Climate Week.
The UfM Climate Week will include the Sixth Meeting of the Union for the Mediterranean Climate Change Expert Group (UfMCCEG) which will put a special focus on two key topics: tourism and agriculture and the water-food-energy nexus. Those are issues of great concern for the Mediterranean region and the members of the UfM. Specific sectoral reports, under preparation, will be the basis for discussion in both fields.
More information on the UfM Climate Change Expert Group:
The RFCCCA (Regional Finance Cooperation Committee on Climate Action) meeting will be the occasion to present the UfM Climate Finance Study, presented at COP23, and to discuss its follow up.
The UfM Climate Finance Study is available here:
The UfM Climate Week will also be the opportunity to organize a meeting focused on the scientific aspects of climate change impacts in the Mediterranean basin, including the update on the scientific report to assess the impacts of environmental change in the region that MedECC (Mediterranean Experts on Climate and environmental Change) is currently preparing.
More information on MedECC: http://www.medecc.org/
The Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean will also host the second General Assembly meeting of the Mediterranean Youth Climate Network (MYCN), in line with the strategy to support regional and international youth processes related to the Mediterranean region. MYCN is a network of youth associations of the Mediterranean region deeply concerned about the effects of climate change in the region and strongly involved and engaged to take action and make it a priority while contributing to international and regional climate fora.
More information on the Mediterranean Youth Climate Network: