The Secretariat of UfM hosted the BLUEMED Week on 23–25 October, during which national delegates, the European Commission and stakeholders met to advance an integrated Mediterranean research agenda on Blue Economy The BLUEMED Initiative seeks to contribute to the creation of new ‘blue’ jobs, social well-being and a sustainable growth in the marine and maritime sectors Barcelona, 23-25 October 2018. The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) hosted the BLUEMED Week at its premises in Barcelona on 23-25 October, a three-day event aiming at promoting the blue economy through cooperation in the Mediterranean Sea . The BLUEMED Week hosted the Second Meeting of the… Lire la suite
Hosted by the OECD, the UfM organised the second Task Force meeting on Financial Strategy on water issues for enhancing investment and sustainable development in the Mediterranean Paris, 9 July 2018. The Mediterranean region is one of the most water-scarce areas in the world with more than more than 180 million people being considered water poor. Promoting regional partnerships and creating sustainable cooperation mechanisms on water use is needed to reverse this downward spiral. In line with the mandate given by the UfM Ministers for Water (April 2017) to develop the UfM Water Agenda and a Financial Strategy and the… Lire la suite
The UfM Secretariat is currently developing a strategy to implement the UfM Water Agenda with a view to enhancing regional cooperation in the field, thus contributing to an integrated water management in the UfM region. Ramallah, 28 June 2018. In line with the framework of the UfM Water Agenda and with a view to enhancing cooperation and ensuring coherence with relevant partners and initiatives in the UfM region, the UfM actively participated in the 1st Palestine International Water Forum, held on 25-28 June 2018, in Ramallah. The Forum, held under the title ‘Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM): Best Practices and… Lire la suite
26 June 2018 – « We stress the importance of structuring Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in marine and maritime sectors to encompass a broad range of objectives comprising the creation of new, blue jobs and social well-being while also being mindful of sustainable development and the preservation of the environment in the Mediterranean area » declared at La Valletta UfM R&I Ministers, together with the EU Commissioners, a year ago. After the set-up of the Group of Senior Officials BLUEMED Working Group as new governing body of the BLUEMED Initiative (February 2018), the first operative steps towards the realization of the Valletta declaration are now taking place with the first BLUEMED National Consultation Days being organized by non-EU Countries (25-27 June and 3-6… Lire la suite
The BlueMed initiative is launching a new Call for Start-up Action. The Start-up Actions represent concrete opportunities to explore innovative, knowledge-based pathways and forward-looking visions with a multidisciplinary, mission-oriented approach, for further uptake and developments. The BlueMed initiative is one of the main line of actions within the UfM Ministerial on Blue Economy. Addressed to entities who are willing to partner up with at least three other organisations from different countries, including one non-EU country and one private enterprise, the Call will fund the organization of a series of meetings leading up to a feasibility, foresight or pilot study on topics… Lire la suite
La pollution marine constitue une menace grave pour les environnements maritimes et côtiers de la Méditerranée. Environ 80 % de la pollution marine provient des terres ; la majorité étant composée de plastique et de micro-plastiques. L’Union pour la Méditerranée (UpM), le Programme Interreg MED de l’UE, l’Université de Sienne et l’Institut Italien pour la protection et la recherche environnementale (ISPRA) ont lancé aujourd’hui à Sienne le projet : « Chasseurs de Plastique AMP : préserver la biodiversité du danger des plastiques dans les aires marines protégées en Méditerranée ». Chasseurs de Plastique AMP (« Plastic Busters MPAs ») a reçu un financement de 5 millions d’euros par le… Lire la suite
22 March 2018. World Water Day, on 22 March every year, is about taking action to tackle water-related issues. This year’s theme explores the need to preserve nature to overcome water challenges such as environmental damage, water pollution and water scarcity. The Mediterranean region is one of the most water-scarce areas in the world and freshwater, together with the pollution of the existing resources, has reached alarming levels, with more than more than 180 million people being considered water poor and an additional 60 million facing water stress. Promoting regional partnerships and creating sustainable cooperation mechanisms on water use is needed to reverse this… Lire la suite
L’usine de dessalement fournira de l’eau potable à deux millions de Palestiniens, assurant ainsi une solution durable à la pénurie chronique d’eau et à la crise humanitaire dans la bande de Gaza, où plus de 95% de l’eau n’est pas potable en raison du pompage excessif de l’aquifère côtier. Les donateurs internationaux ont engagé 456 millions d’euros pour le projet (plus de 80% du coût total), permettant le lancement du plus grand projet d’infrastructure de la bande de Gaza. Bruxelles, 20 mars 2018. La Commission européenne et le gouvernement palestinien, en partenariat avec l’Union pour la Méditerranée (UpM), ont accueilli aujourd’hui… Lire la suite
L’économie bleue représente un potentiel considérable de création d’emplois et d’investissements dans la région euro-méditerranéenne, et par ce biais, de développement humain et durable, d’intégration et de stabilité. Plus de 400 acteurs regionaux sont rassemblés les 29 et 30 novembre à Naples, à l’occasion de la conférence de l’UpM sur l’économie bleue en Méditerranée…. Lire la suite
•Les ministres en charge de l’eau des États membres de l’UpM ont souligné que la région méditerranéenne est particulièrement vulnérable à la pénurie d’eau, et que le changement climatique exacerbe la pression sur les ressources existantes dans la région. •Ils ont convenu de développer un agenda pour l’eau afin d’aider les États membres de l’UpM à mettre en œuvre des politiques de gestion de l’eau durables et intégrées, contribuant à améliorer les conditions de vie des citoyens de la région, rappelant l’importance de l’Accord de Paris et réaffirmant leur attachement à l’agenda de développement durable à l’horizon 2030. •Les ministres… Lire la suite