La région méditerranéenne est particulièrement vulnérable au changement climatique, avec l’un des taux d’urbanisation les plus rapides au monde. Les villes sont l’une des principales causes du dérèglement climatique, mais elles peuvent aussi contribuer à le résoudre. La 3e conférence ministérielle de l’Union pour la Méditerranée (UpM) sur le développement urbain durable a fourni un mandat clé pour renforcer la coopération par le biais du nouveau plan d’action stratégique de l’UpM pour le développement urbain 2040. Zagreb (Croatie), le 4 mai 2023. Lors de la 3e conférence ministérielle de l’Union pour la Méditerranée (UpM) sur le développement urbain durable, qui… Lire la suite
Following the publication of the first edition of the UfM Progress Report on Regional Integration in May 2021, the UfM has been mobilising its ecosystem of partners and stakeholders to act upon the recommendations emanating from the Report and the obstacles identified in all five domains of economic integration. Barcelona, 27 April 2023 – The UfM and the German Development Cooperation co-organised the Online UfM Conference on Regional Integration and Regional Value Chains on 27 April 2023 under the auspices of The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Malta. The Conference focused on two thematics… Lire la suite
The UfM Secretariat attended for the third time the Annual Conference of COPEAM in April 2023. This year represented a milestone for the organization as it celebrated its 30th anniversary. The event allowed the UfM to enhance its collaboration with COPEAM on awareness-raising media campaigns and initiatives. Secretary General Nasser Kamel offered a historical contextualization of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation and announced the launch of the new initiative: “Mediterranean Capitals of Culture and Dialogue”. 26-27 April 2023, Montpellier – During the opening ceremony of the 30th Annual Conference of COPEAM entitled “Digital cultures and new audiovisual languages”, UfM Secretary General Nasser Kamel… Lire la suite
A joint webinar series by the UfM and the WHO Regional Office for Europe addressed the challenges and solutions to embed health and wellbeing in the planning and management of urban settings, as according to studies, cities can avoid up to 20% of premature deaths with better urban and transport planning. Urban sustainability is becoming an urgent need, especially in the Mediterranean region, which is one of the world’s climate change hotspots. Barcelona, 18 April 2023. In the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between the UfM and the World Health Organisation (WHO) to collaborate across sectors in reinforcing the… Lire la suite
Grâce à un partenariat entre les deux institutions, des étudiants du sud de la Méditerranée ont reçu une expertise financière et politique de haut niveau sur les politiques euro-méditerranéennes et les opportunités financières offertes par la BEI. Barcelone, avril 2023. Depuis novembre 2022 et jusqu’en mars 2023, l’Union pour la Méditerranée et la Banque européenne d’investissement ont piloté des formations sur la preuve de concept auprès de trois universités méditerranéennes initiales au Maroc, en Égypte et en Jordanie. L’objectif était de proposer pour la première fois des formations adaptées aux besoins des universités d’accueil, dans des domaines tels que l’architecture financière… Lire la suite
29-30 March 2023, Barcelona – The UfM took part in Barcelona REACT 2023 Economic Reactivation Days, organized by the Barcelona City Council since 2021. REACT is the meeting point for Barcelona’s economic sectors, bringing together experts, and local, national and international leaders, to reflect on the next decade’s economic outlook and on key ongoing projects at local level. A valuable opportunity to exchange on regional and local experiences, best practices, and lessons learned, UfM Deputy Secretary General for Water, Environment, and Blue Economy, Almotaz Abadi, took part in a session on ‘The blue economy in Barcelona, placing the Sea on… Lire la suite
The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the World Ocean Council (WOC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at UfM Headquarters in Barcelona in the framework of the 2021 UfM Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Blue Economy and Roadmap for its implementation, and of the WestMED Initiative, supported by the UfM and by the European Commission. 28 March 2023, Barcelona. In close coordination with the UfM EU (DG MARE) and Jordan Co-Presidency, on March 28, 2023, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the World Ocean Council (WOC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at UfM Headquarters in Barcelona in the… Lire la suite
17 March 2023, Alicante. The UfM Higher Education Stakeholders’ Meeting aimed at discussing and exchanging on how to lay concrete foundations for regional close cooperation in the field of Higher Education. The meeting, organized by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and Casa Mediterráneo in Alicante was attended by over 70 people, including representatives of higher education institutions and networks, ministries in charge of higher education, and the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture of the European Commission. The event sought to gather feedback from key Euro-Mediterranean higher education stakeholders in view of preparing the first UfM Ministerial Conference… Lire la suite
L’Union pour la Méditerranée (UpM) se joint aux organisations internationales partenaires et à plusieurs de ses États membres lors de la Conférence des Nations Unies sur l’eau 2023 pour alerter sur la crise de l’eau à laquelle la région méditerranéenne est confrontée et sur la nécessité d’améliorer le financement et la viabilité financière de la gestion de l’eau. Pour renforcer les compétences des jeunes tout en relevant les défis liés à l’eau dans la région, l’UpM a élaboré une nouvelle stratégie sur l’eau et l’engagement des jeunes. Les projets soutenus par l’UpM, tels que le « Programme intégré pour la… Lire la suite
Sciences Po Paris, Campus of Menton’s director invited the UfM Secretary General to this campus dedicated to Euro-Mediterranean affairs. Secretary General Nasser Kamel conversed with a group of students the challenges and opportunities of the Mediterranean region and highlighted the role of the UfM in that prospect. 21 March 2023 – Menton – In the framework of a teaching seminar dedicated to Euro-Mediterranean frameworks of cooperation, UfM Secretary General was invited to Sciences Po. Paris’s campus of Menton, where studies are mainly dedicated to the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern region. After meeting with the Director and some members of the… Lire la suite