27 May 2021. The 5th Task Force on Environment will be held online on 27 May 2021. The meeting aims at discussing with countries the priorities for action under the 2030 Greener Med Agenda, also in the light of the Covid developments and plans for recovery; Exploring the opportunities for partnership and funding related to the 2030 Greener Med Agen… Lire la suite
19 May 2021. The UfM Workshop on Regulating Coastal Zones: International Perspectives on Land Management Instruments will take place online on 19 May 2021.
19 May 2021. The dialogue Climate and Environmental Change in the Mediterranean: Grasping the Scope of the Challenge will be held on 19 May (18h – 19:30h CET) through Zoom Platform and Live in YouTube channel of “La Caixa” Foundation/Palau Macaya. It will be the first session of conference cycle Med Dialogues + 2030. The Road to a more Sustainable… Lire la suite
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape 17-18 May 2021. The Mediterranean region is among the most densely populated areas around a sea in the world.3 The total population of the Mediterranean countries grew from 276 million in 1970 to 512 million in 2018, and it is expected to grow by an a… Lire la suite
Link to view webinar 07 May 2021. Since its inception in May 2016, the MedThink 5+5 network of think tanks of the Western Mediterranean has organised several annual fora and thematic seminars, during which experts from the whole of the region analysed the factors underpinning economic, human and sustainable development, as well as security and stab… Lire la suite
28 April 2021. Aiming to follow up on the conclusions of the 10th WEG Meeting (Brussels, 13-14 June 2019), the 11th WEG meeting will be held on 28 April 2021, with a reduced composition, involving only the Member States and will have the two-fold objective to: Take stock of the Progress made so far on the implementation of the UfM Water Policy Fra… Lire la suite
28 April 2021. SCP/RAC will host a demonstration webinar to present the new platform theSwitchers.org and enable participants to directly ask their questions on wednesday 28 April . The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) supports the SwitchMed initiative to speed up the shift to sustainable consumption and production patterns in the Southern Mediter… Lire la suite
The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and partners are hosting a conference under the framework of the UN’s Food Systems Summit, which aims to engage citizens all over the world in order to deliver healthier, more sustainable and equitable food systems, as part of progress towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 27 April 2021 (14:00 CET), on… Lire la suite
22 April 2021. Deputy Secretary General Grammenos Mastrojeni will be attending the second edition of the Food for Earth marathon, hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Future Food Institute on World Earth Day, April 22. The virtual marathon runs for 24 hours across 30 countries, from Australia to Argentina…. Lire la suite
14-15 April 2021. The importance of the marine and maritime industries will continue to grow in the Mediterranean region: the “Blue Economy” sector is an engine of human and economic development for the entire region. Taking fully advantage of this sector’s potential will require a multi-skilled workforce from a wide variety of marine and maritime… Lire la suite