26-27 Mars, 2014 – Siège de l’UpM, Pedralbes. Barcelone, Spain [ufm_tabs][ufm_tab title=”Sur la Conférence”] La Conférence La conférence “Autonomisation socio-économique des femmes: le progrès par les projets” fait suite à la Troisième Conférence Ministérielle de l’Union pour la Méditerranée sur le renforcement du rôle des femmes dans la société (1… Lire la suite
Following a specific request from Ministers during the Water Conference of the Union for the Mediterranean held in Jordan in late 2008, the Secretariat is currently supporting the development of a regional project in order to improve water knowledge at the basis of governance processes not only on national territories but also on shared water resou… Lire la suite
The UfM-labelled project “Jordanian National Railway project as part of a Regional Railway Network” has been selected among the 2014 Strategic Top 100 Global Infrastructure Projects by CG/LA Infrastructure. Its main expected result is to achieve a closer integration among the transport markets of the Mediterranean, thus making transport connections… Lire la suite
Brussels, 19 February, 2014 The 9th UfM Ministerial Meeting on Industrial Cooperation will take place on 19 February 2014 with the following objectives: Present and discuss the findings of the assessment of the business environment in the Mediterranean partner countries, with reference to the “Small Business Act” for Europe and the Euro-Mediterrane… Lire la suite
Marrakech, 17-18 February 2014 The UfM Secretariat is Institutional Partner of the Third Maghreb Entrepreneurs Forum, which will be organised in Marrakech on 17-18 February 2014, by the General Confederation of Enterprises of Morocco (CGEM) on behalf of the Maghreb Employers Union (UME). The objective of the forum is to strengthen economic integrat… Lire la suite
11 February, 2013. UfM Headquarters, in Barcelona The UfM Secretariat works in close collaboration with the Group of Transport Ministers of the Western Mediterranean (GTMO 5+5), and will participate in its next Expert Meeting, to be held on 11 February 2014, in Barcelona. Among other issues, the working session will cover the preparatory work for t… Lire la suite
4 February, 2013. Luxembourg The UfM Secretariat will participate in the seminar “Urban Development in the FEMIP Region”, to be held on 4 February 2014 in Luxembourg on the occassion of the FEMIP Committee. The seminar will discuss the urban development challenges in the FEMIP Region, as well as the Urban Projects Finance Initiative (UPFI) and the… Lire la suite
31 January, 2013. Headquarters of the Union for the Mediterranean, Barcelona A preparatory meeting prior to the High-level seminar on the UfM-labelled project “Completion of the Central Section of the Trans-Maghreb Motorway Axis”, set to take place in April, 2014 will be held on 31 January, 2014. The meeting will focus on the horizontal actions fo… Lire la suite
22-23 January 2014. Union for the Mediterranean headquarters. Palau de Pedralbes, Barcelona. Building on the success of the first seminar on e-signatures for e- business transactions in the Southern Mediterranean region in November 2013 in Amman, the European Commission organises, in cooperation with the UfM Secretariat, the second and final foll… Lire la suite
Siège de l’Union pour la Méditerranée, le 16 décembre 2013 La Conférence ministérielle de Marseille, qui s’est tenue au mois de novembre 2008, a fait de l’établissement d’une zone ambitieuse de libre-échange euro-méditerranéenne un des objectifs ultimes et significatifs. Cela implique la mise en œuvre d’actions visant à diversifier et à renforcer… Lire la suite