2nd joint event of Co-Evolve and Med Coasts for Blue Growth
10 April 2019, Montpellier. In order to follow up on the collaboration that was initiated on the occasion of the first joint event in Barcelona on 30-31 October 2018, the two projects are organising a second joint event on 9-10 April 2019, in the premises of the Département de l’Hérault (Montpellier, France).
CO-EVOLVE is an ongoing three-year Interreg MED project focusing on the sustainable development of maritime and coastal tourism that was launched in November 2016 and brings together 12 partners, including public regional and local administrations, universities, research institutes, a foundation and one organisation gathering Mediterranean Regions.
MedCoast4BG is a Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) labelled project (since December 2017) that intends to extend CO-EVOLVE’s conceptual and methodological model to the Southern & Eastern Mediterranean countries it involves, considering common (at Mediterranean level) but also diverse (at local level) natural, physical and geographic characteristics. The project involves the whole partnership of CO-EVOLVE and several other key players from the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC).
The meetings on the 9-10 April in particular will involve participants from Italy, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Tunisia, Lebanon and Morocco. All the meetings will be open also to some representatives of the partnership and key pilot areas of other projects that presents a high potential for synergies, including the ENI CBC MED Co-Evolve4BG project (which started in February 2019).
For more information please contact: water@ufmsecretariat.org