Promoting women empowerment for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development in North Africa and Middle East
Amman, Jordan, 19th to 21th July 2016
The Conference is organized by UNIDO as part of the projects “Promoting women empowerment for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development in the MENA region” and “Development of Clusters in Cultural and Creative Industries in the Southern Mediterranean”, under the auspices of the Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat.
The project “Promoting women empowerment for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development in the MENA region” seeks to enhance women’s economic inclusion and promote a sustainable and inclusive growth by harnessing the great potential of women entrepreneurs within the region. As part of the project’s activities, an assessment report of the situation of women entrepreneurs in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia and a benchmarking analysis of the best practices in the field of women entrepreneurship with Australia, Italy and Turkey have been carried out. The preliminary results of these two researches were presented on 14 October 2015, during a conference on “Women Economic Empowerment in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia” organized at EXPO Milan 2015. This Conference in Amman will build on the achievements of the Milan Conference with the objective to further develop the analysis on the situation of women entrepreneurs in the region and to stimulate the exchange of good practices of women cluster development and women role’s model in Europe and the South Mediterranean region (Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia). The concept note of the Conference can be found below.
The Conference will be preceded by a meeting of the working group “Raise women´s participation in economic life” of the UfM Regional Dialogue on Women Empowerment, which will take place the afternoon of the 19th, also in Amman. This will be the third meeting of the working group in the framework of the Regional Dialogue, which has the objective of reviewing with partner countries, as requested by the third Ministerial Declaration on Strengthening the Role of Women in Society (Paris 2013), the progress made in translating the Ministerial commitments into actions, and to start preparing the fourth UfM Ministerial Meeting.
More information
For further information do not hesitate to contact Juli Hernandez :