UfM Secretary General highlights Mediterranean efforts in the fight against climate change at the IUCN World Conservation Congress
- IUCN World Conservation Congress, organised by the International Union for Conservation of Nature has been held from 3rd until 10th of September in Marseille.
- The UfM Secretary General, Nasser Kamel, participated in the launch of the Action Plan for an Exemplary Mediterranean Sea.
Marseille, 10 September 2021. UfM Secretary General, Nasser Kamel intervened at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Marseille, that was organised by the IUCN from 3rd until 10th of September. The Congress provided an opportunity for the Mediterranean conservation community to address the challenges of the region on biodiversity, nature-based recovery and climate change.
France took this opportunity to organise on the first day of the Congress, a high-level segment dedicated to the conservation of the Mediterranean Sea and launch the Action Plan for an Exemplary Mediterranean Sea. It gathers eight Mediterranean governments and five international organizations. The UfM Secretary General, a speaker at this event, recalled the dramatic situation of litter and plastic pollution, as approximately 62 million macro-litter items are estimated to be floating on the surface of the entire Mediterranean basin. He highlighted the relevance of UfM conservation efforts against climate change, as it joined forces with key stakeholders or by supporting initiatives such as Plastic Busters.
This Congress was the opportunity for the Secretary General to meet with Mrs. Barbara Pompilli, France Minister for Environment, Mr. Guillaume Sainteny, President of Plan Bleu, Mr. Loïc Fauchon, President of the World Water Council, Mr. Karim Amellal, French Ambassador for the Mediterranean and Mrs. Samia Ghali, Deputy Mayor for Mediterranean relations
Throughout the event, the Climate Fund MED (SCF-Med Fund) was presented by the Secretary General, alongside with the Albanian Vice-Minister for Environment and Tourism, Mrs. Ornela Cuçi. The fund is an innovative tool to support the financing of Green mid-sized sub-national infrastructure projects.