The UfM Secretariat’s long-term objective is to consolidate a recognized UfM label, with clear, acknowledged and visible added value in view of promoting quality projects in line with Ministerial commitments and strategic priorities.
The UfM label is an endorsement of projects of high quality and potential to contribute to advance the objectives of the UfM, delivering concrete results for the broader benefit of people of the Mediterranean.
The UfM label is granted to projects by a decision of UfM Senior Officials adopted by consensus in a meeting or through silence procedure providing evidence of political endorsement by the UfM Member States.
The UfM label enables project promoters to mobilize stakeholders and resources, raise awareness and visibility as well as facilitate access to a network of potential donors and partners, capitalizing on the convening power of the UfM.
Applications for label may be submitted by a wide range of experienced promoters including international organizations, public institutions, civil society organizations or private entities with proven technical and financial capacity.
Applications for the UfM label should comply with the eligibility and selection criteria indicated in the labelling guidelines. In particular, they shall:
- Address key regional challenges in one of the UfM mandated areas
- Have a regional dimension to enhance regional integration and encourage North-South and South-South cooperation
- Present a clear, independent financial perspective
The UfM acts as a catalyst of projects, accompanying promoters throughout the project lifecycle and enhancing regional dialogue to create synergies for partnerships. It provides support towards ensuring the implementation of the projects through technical expertise, networking opportunities and visibility, and promotes innovative ideas to maximize results and impact for the people of the Mediterranean region.