21-22 November 2023, Marseille – The European Commission (Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion of the European Commission, DG EMPL) organised the 5th Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Social Dialogue Forum on 21-22 November 2023 in Marseille on behalf of the Union for the Mediterranean Co-Presidency. The Forum, held every three years, gathered representatives from employers’ and workers’ organisations from UfM partner countries, Euro-Mediterranean Social Partner organisations, as well as representatives from the UfM Co-Presidency, the UfM Secretariat, the European Commission and other experts. Since 2010, the UfM Social Dialogue Forum actively contributes to the development of a strong, independent… Lire la suite
15-16 November 2023, Cairo. The Union for the Mediterranean held the National Workshop on Digital Transformation in Cairo on 15 and 16 November 2023 with the support of the German Agency for International Cooperation and in partnership with the Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and the Estonian ICT Cluster. With over 60 experts and participants from various backgrounds in attendance, this two-day event allowed for discussions on how to enhance the digital transformation and for the exchange of best practices and ideas based on the experiences of Estonia and Egypt. This event, like the e-Governance National Workshops conducted… Lire la suite
Garantir la sécurité alimentaire, la résilience et la durabilité dans la région euro-méditerranéenne
Le Caire, 23 octobre 2023 – L’Union pour la Méditerranée, avec le soutien de la Coopération Allemande au Développement, s’est associée à la Ligue des États arabes pour organiser la Conférence de haut niveau sur l’industrie alimentaire pour la sécurité alimentaire. Intitulée « Vers des chaînes d’approvisionnement régionales plus résilientes et une industrie alimentaire plus durable », la conférence s’est tenue au siège de la Ligue des États arabes au Caire. La conférence, qui a débuté au lendemain de visites d’entreprises égyptiennes du secteur alimentaire, a rassemblé des participants de toute la région euro-méditerranéenne pour discuter de l’état actuel de… Lire la suite
Barcelone, le 17 octobre 2023 – Plus de 80 acteurs et entrepreneurs de l’économie sociale se sont réunis à Barcelone pour participer à la 4ème édition de la conférence de l’UpM sur l’économie sociale. Co-organisée par le Secrétariat de l’UpM, la Confédération Espagnole des Entreprises de l’Économie Sociale (CEPES) et la Coopération Allemande au Développement, et co-financée par l’Union Européenne, l’événement de cette année s’est concentré sur deux thèmes interdépendants : la promotion de l’entreprenariat social et la participation des femmes dans l’économie sociale. L’économie sociale, fondée sur la solidarité et la primauté des personnes sur le capital, bénéficie actuellement… Lire la suite
6-7 October, 2023, Tunis. The UfM Workshops on Rules of Origin were held in Tunis on October 6-7, 2023 to provide both government and private sector stakeholders in Tunisia with insights into rules of origin, including transitional rules, and information on specific Harmonized System Codes relevant to various industries operating within pertinent trade agreements. Organized by the Union for the Mediterranean with the support of the German Development Cooperation (GIZ), more than 40 participants attended, with Ms. Alicia Figueroa from GIZ representing the UfM. The workshops were divided into two distinct sessions, one for government officials and another for private… Lire la suite
3-4 October, 2023, Rabat. The UfM Workshops on Rules of Origin were held in Rabat on October 3 and 4, 2023 to impart knowledge of trade regulations to both government and private sector stakeholders in Morocco. Organised by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) with the support of the German Development Cooperation (GIZ), they provided insight into rules of origin, including the new transitional rules, and information on specific Harmonized System Codes relevant to various industries operating within pertinent trade agreements. Deputy Secretary General Dr. Abdelkader El Khissassi from the Economic Development and Employment Division represented the UfM at the… Lire la suite
16-17 July 2023, Algiers – The UfM with the support of the German Development Cooperation organized two workshops for Government and Private Sector stakeholders respectively in Algiers, each consisting of a basic course on Rules of Origin, transitional rules as well as information on specific Harmonized System Codes for the respective industries under the most pertinent agreements, including through training exercises. The workshops encompassed a training module for responsible staff officers from the Government with a more extensive conceptual and legal focus on the concept of rules of origin, in order to facilitate the stakeholder consultation process when conducting trade negotiations…. Lire la suite
The UfM High-Level Meeting on Skills in the Mediterranean recognized that the region has one of the youngest populations in the world and that skills are critical to leveraging the youth’s potential for bringing innovation and digitalisation to the dynamics of recovery, economic growth, decent work and social inclusion. Skilling, upskilling and reskilling boost employability, inclusiveness, competitiveness and growth, allowing to better address the challenges of technological and non-technological transformations such as green transition, demographic change, and digitalisation of the economy in the region, as well as addressing persistent issues of skill gaps and mismatches. Madrid, 12 July 2023. The… Lire la suite
The UfM convened the 4th Meeting of the UfM Community of Practice (CoP) on Youth Employment in the Southern Mediterranean in Madrid on 11-12 July 2023, with another CoP Meeting planned for December 2023 in Turin, Italy. Composed mostly of young experts and entrepreneurs as well as UfM government representatives, the CoP made use of presentations, exchange of best practices, breakout discussions and a practical workshop on skills. Madrid, 11-12 July 2023. The UfM held its 4th Meeting of the UfM Community of Practice on Youth Employment in the Southern Mediterranean on 11-12 July 2023 in Madrid with the support… Lire la suite
The UfM Secretary-General was a guest speaker at the Opening Ceremony of the Euro-Med Economic & Banking Summit 2023. This was the occasion for him to share his views on economic sustainability in the Euro-Mediterranean region and to recall the role of the UfM in tackling climate change. Secretary-General Kamel partook in several bilateral meetings, including with with Mrs. Catherine Colonna, French Minister of European and Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Hélène Le Gal, Managing Director for MENA at EEAS, Mr. Karim Amellal, Ambassador for the Mediterranean and UfM Senior Official, and Mr. Emmanuel Bonne, diplomatic adviser, and Sherpa to the President… Lire la suite