The UfM Secretary-General was a guest speaker at the Opening Ceremony of the Euro-Med Economic & Banking Summit 2023. This was the occasion for him to share his views on economic sustainability in the Euro-Mediterranean region and to recall the role of the UfM in tackling climate change. Secretary-General Kamel partook in several bilateral meetings, including with with Mrs. Catherine Colonna, French Minister of European and Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Hélène Le Gal, Managing Director for MENA at EEAS, Mr. Karim Amellal, Ambassador for the Mediterranean and UfM Senior Official, and Mr. Emmanuel Bonne, diplomatic adviser, and Sherpa to the President… Lire la suite
22 June 2023, Tangier. The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and Plan Bleu/RAC (UNEP/Mediterranean Action Plan) co-organized Hub 3 on the Sustainable Management for Water Resources”, in the framework of the MEDCOP Climate in Tangier, Morocco. The HUB3 was inaugurated by the Vice president of Tangier-Tetouan-Alhoceima region, HE Rafik Belkorchi, Deputy Secretary General of the UFM Almotaz Abadi and Ahmed Bouari, Director at the Ministry of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries. The first session focused on the Water Energy Food Ecosystems Nexus and Integrated Coastal Zone Management and was contributed by speeches from many actors including the Coordinator of the GEF… Lire la suite
MedCOP Climate in Tangier hosted the 3rd UfM Energy and Climate Business Forum, gathering government representatives, experts, financial institutions, civil society, and private sector representatives, including young and women entrepreneurs, to explore strategies for accelerating the energy transition in the Mediterranean region.. 22 June 2023, Tangier. The MedCOP Climate in Tangiers hosted the 3rd UfM Energy and Climate Business Forum, jointly organized by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) on the 22 June 2023. The annual forum serves as a regional platform for structuring energy and climate cooperation between countries on both… Lire la suite
Prior to the meeting, the 1st Regional Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus Roundtable in the Mediterranean was held back-to-back on 6 and 7 June 2023 in Rabat, Morocco 07-08 June 2023, Rabat – The UfM 13th Water Expert Group (WEG13) meeting took place on 7 and 8 June 2023 in a hybrid format at the Direction Générale de l’Hydraulique of the Ministry of Equipment and Water to review progress at national level in the implementation of the UfM Water Agenda, including the UfM Financial Strategy for Water, since the 12th meeting of the Water Expert Group took place in May 2022 in… Lire la suite
The UfM brought together young entrepreneurs and leaders from both shores of the Mediterranean and beyond to showcase their work, build synergies, seek complementarities, and reflect on the future of work in the aftermath of the recent disruptions. The Conference also served to showcase the work done on youth guarantee schemes in the Western Balkans Region. Outcome Document – UfM Conference on Youth Entrepreneurship and the Future of Work Tirana, 13 June 2023. Acting upon pertinent Ministerial Declarations and anchoring to the “UfM Youth Strategy 2030: Euro-Mediterranean Youth towards a Common Goal”, the UfM Secretariat partnered with the German Development Cooperation… Lire la suite
The UfM Regional Platform on Trade and Investment convened its sixth meeting in Brussels to discuss areas of priority ahead of the 12th UfM Ministerial on trade to be held in Valencia (Spain) on October 19th ,2023 . 07 June 2023. Brussels. The Member States of the Union for the Mediterranean held today the sixth meeting of the UfM Regional Platform on Trade and Investment in Brussels. During the meeting, they discussed priorities under three main headline topics of Sustainable Trade, Sustainable Investment and Regional Integration. The meeting of the Platform was chaired by the UfM Co-Presidency; the European Commission (DG TRADE) and Jordan (Ministry… Lire la suite
In the framework of the #EUGreenWeek 2023, the UfM, FAO, CIHEAM, and PRIMA co-organised a webinar on “Women as key players in greening Mediterranean food systems: drivers and challenges” on the 5th of June 2023 from 14h to 16h. The webinar aimed to provide a space to discuss how we can tackle the significant gender gaps and empower women in building resilient and inclusive food systems in the Mediterranean region. Representatives from diverse backgrounds such as governments, agri-food enterprises, successful women entrepreneurs, researchers, international organisations, and civil society participated sharing good practices and discussing solutions for a gender inclusive green… Lire la suite
Le programme méditerranéen « Prévention, préparation et réponse aux désastres naturels et d’origine humaine » (PPRD) a été lancé aujourd’hui à Rome, quelques semaines seulement après les inondations meurtrières qui ont coûté la vie à plus d’une douzaine de personnes, déplacé plus de 20 000 personnes et causé des dommages considérables à des milliers d’habitations et à des hectares de terres cultivées dans la région de l’Émilie-Romagne. Le programme vise à accroître la résilience face aux catastrophes naturelles et d’origine humaine dans les pays du voisinage méridional et dans la région méditerranéenne en renforçant la coopération et les partenariats entre… Lire la suite
La Méditerranée, mer semi-fermée et destination touristique mondiale, est particulièrement vulnérable aux plastiques qui constituent une menace pour les espèces et les écosystèmes méditerranéens ainsi que pour la santé humaine. L’UpM agit pour transformer ces défis en solutions en soutenant des projets sur le terrain qui identifient les zones critiques de contamination plastique et apportent des preuves scientifiques et des recommandations aux décideurs politiques, ainsi qu’en incitant les parties prenantes à développer des solutions à la pollution plastique et à en réduire l’utilisation. Le nouveau projet TouMali, soutenu par l’UpM, développe des systèmes de gestion durable des déchets dans le… Lire la suite
Co-organized by the UfM Secretariat, Sciences Po Aix, the French Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of Economy, Secretary General Nasser Kamel opened the event held in the historical building of the French University. In his opening speech, Secretary General Nasser Kamel discussed the unexploited potential of economic integration for the Euro-Mediterranean region and highlighted the Janus-faced character of the regionalization of the value chain in the Mediterranean, filled with both challenges and opportunities. Aix en Provence. 2 June 2023 – UfM Secretary General opened the conference jointly organized by the UfM, Sciences Po Aix, the Délégation interministérielle à la Méditerranée… Lire la suite