14 December 2022, Barcelona. As part of the NEMAUSUS project, which brings together 7 EU countries, a meeting aimed at bringing together and fifteen experts in forest fires, called “Reference group” was held on December 14 at the UfM, which supports this project. Funded by DG ECHO, it aims to prefigure the creation of future thematic centres on natural and technological risks in Europe, the first of which, dedicated to forest fires, will be created in France. The southern countries will be associated with these centres of expertise through civil protection and existing entities (research centers, universities, training centres, etc.) in… Lire la suite
The Union for the Mediterranean and the European Investment Bank have signed an agreement this year starting training activities in Mediterranean Universities. With the support of the UfM, the EIB is bringing high-level financial expertise outside of the European Union. Barcelona, 1 December. The Union for the Mediterranean and the European Investment Bank have started working together to bring trainings on the EuroMediterranean multilateral policy frameworks, and EU project financing mechanisms to pilot Mediterranean Universities. After the signature of a dedicated agreement, the two institutions have opened discussion with three initial pilot universities, bringing for the first time dedicated trainings… Lire la suite
Après son lancement en 2020, la Journée de la Méditerranée a été célébrée de nouveau le 28 novembre 2022, reconnaissant la culture ainsi que la coopération méditerranéennes et faisant honneur à la riche diversité de la région. Plusieurs événements et initiatives axés sur la musique ont été organisés dans toute la région pour célébrer cette deuxième édition. Le 26 novembre, un concert de l’Orchestre Arabe de Barcelone et de la chanteuse Judit Neddermann a été l’événement central de la Journée de la Méditerranée à Barcelone, organisée par l’Institut européen de la Méditerranée (IEMed), le Secrétariat de l’Union pour la Méditerranée (UpM)… Lire la suite
Aujourd’hui, les ministres des Affaires étrangères de l’Union pour la Méditerranée (UpM) se sont réunis à Barcelone à l’occasion du 7e Forum régional de l’UpM, organisé dans le cadre de la Journée de la Méditerranée. Les ministres ont approuvé à l’unanimité une déclaration concernant l’adhésion de la Macédoine du Nord à l’Union pour la Méditerranée. Des jeunes issus d’organisations de la société civile de toute la région euro-méditerranéenne ont présenté leurs attentes et leurs recommandations aux ministres des affaires étrangères, en vue de développer des solutions concrètes pour une Méditerranée plus inclusive, durable et prospère. Les ministres ont approuvé le… Lire la suite
6-20 November 2022, Sharm El-Sheik. For the first time in the Conference of the Parties’ (COP) history, the 27th edition hosted a Mediterranean Pavilion. The initiative was conceived by the UfM to highlight both the urgent challenges the Mediterranean is currently facing, and the innovative solutions already being developed, raising awareness of a region overlooked in the climate negotiations. Located in the COP27 Blue zone, the Mediterranean Pavilion hosted more than 60 events and working meetings, and provided an exceptional opportunity for the region to talk and act as one, bridging the voices of public and private, scientific and academic, technical, policymaking, civil society, finance, and business actors. In an innovative… Lire la suite
The UfM Trade and Investment Forum 2022 is the Forum’s fourth edition in four successive years, attesting to the emphasis that the UfM places on trade facilitation and investment promotion as pre-requisites of economic development and integration in the region. The Forum comes at a time when economic, political and humanitarian global disruptions are posing serious challenges that call for an orchestrated regional response that is innovative, sustainable and inclusive. Istanbul, 4 November 2022. Regional trade integration and investment promotion have always been priority areas of action for the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean and are at the… Lire la suite
Les ministres chargés de l’égalité des genres des 42 pays de l’Union pour la Méditerranée (UpM) ont signé aujourd’hui à Madrid une déclaration ministérielle visant à accélérer le renforcement du rôle des femmes dans la région euro-méditerranéenne. Les ministres ont convenu de renforcer le cadre juridique, faciliter l’accès des femmes aux postes de direction dans la vie publique et la prise de décision, accroître leur participation dans la sphère économique, ainsi que combattre et prévenir les violences faites aux femmes et aux filles. La Conférence de haut niveau sur les Femmes pour la Méditerranée, qui se tient tous les deux… Lire la suite
EU-UfM High Level Conference on strengthening water finance and investment policies under climate change takes place in Cairo (Egypt) as a prelude to COP-27. The EU and the Union for the Mediterranean are committed to supporting UfM countries in developing and strengthening their water investment and finance policies. There is a need to act on exploring, advancing and implementing the means of leveraging finances, developing and transferring technology and building capacities on national and regional levels. Cairo, 17 October 2022 – As water is the sector most heavily hit by climate change in the Mediterranean region, governments need to address some… Lire la suite
19 September 2022 – The UfM Water Task Forces, Water Access, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH), and Water Climate Change Actions (WCCA), took place during the IME’s Regional Symposium “Our Mediterranean: water challenges and regional priorities for 2050” on 19-20 September 2022 under a hybrid format from Valencia, Spain. Bringing together country representatives and regional stakeholders of the UfM region. Both meetings came as a result of the continuous endeavours of the UfM towards its Member states to help them bringing about decisive actions to meet their environmental challenges and tackle climate change in the Mediterranean. Moreover, they came following the UfM member states ‘request… Lire la suite
Barcelona, 27-29 September 2022. In the framework of a cooperation agreement, the annual meetings between Sweden’s government agency for development cooperation, Sida, and the UfMS were held in Barcelona from the 27th to the 29th of September at the UfM Secretariat premises in Barcelona. The meeting served to present the UfM mission and the UfM Secretariat work methodology, give an overview on the main achievements of the Sida – UfM Secretariat Partnership and discuss the new features of the extended cooperation agreement. The cooperation agreement renewed in December 2021 for the period 2022-2025 is moving from an operating grant to a programmatic… Lire la suite