COP22 – Official presentation of the Mediterranean Agenda
11 November. Marrakech.
The UfM worked with several regional partners to identify COP events contributing to climate-related activities in the Euro-Mediterranean region. A schedule of events associated with the Mediterranean has therefore been created. It will be presented on 11 November at 3 p.m. in the Civil Society area of the COP22.
This event will be an opportunity for the regional institutions (including UfM) who work for the sustainable development in the Mediterranean to present their activities and develop the possible synergies between them.
The Union for the Mediterranean: towards a COP22 Mediterranean Agenda
In accordance with its mandate, the Union for the Mediterranean is deeply involved in the drive for a Mediterranean climate change agenda. Sustainable development issues (water, the environment, climate change, energy, sustainable urban development, the blue economy, transport, climate financing) are at the heart of the UfM’s priority areas for strengthening regional cooperation.
The UfM therefore wishes to take advantage of the COP22 as an opportunity to act upon certain activities initiated in 2015 and 2016 and that could be integrated into the process of implementing the Paris Agreement. The aforementioned activities can be found here.