Deputy Secretary General Cecilia Attard-Pirotta attends the Meeting of the second PPRD South Steering Committee Meeting
The meeting was attended by the Director General of Civil Protection in the PPRD South Partner Countries and EU Member States, relevant EC Directorates General, as well as the International Federation of Red Cross andRed Crescent Societies, UN-OCHA, World Bank and the Union for the Mediterranean. The objective of the meeting was to take stock of progress reregistered so far by PPRD South Programme, as well as to endorse the PPRD South (next-term) work-plan.
The Malta Minister for Justice and Home Affairs, Hon. Dr. Carmelo MifsudBonnici, opened the meeting, followed by an address from the Mr. Guido Bertolaso, Under-Secretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Head of the Italian Civil Protection Department, Mr. Peter Billing, Deputy Head of Unit Civil Protection Response Unit, DG ECHO, European Commission, as well as by Dr. AgostinoMiozzo, President of the PPRD South Consortium.
The meeting offered the Deputy Secretary General with the opportunity to meet a number of delegations/ representatives from International Organizations, with whom she exchanged views on the role of the UfM Secretariat, as well as possible areas of cooperation/coordination.