MedCOP Climate 2016: Mediterranean Climate Conference in Tangier
Tangier, Morocco, 18 and 19 July 2016.
Climate change is a top-priority of today’s international political agenda. The Mediterranean is one of the world’s most vulnerable regions in this regard. After Paris in France last year, the next session of the Conference of the Parties (COP22) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will take place this year in another Mediterranean country, Morocco. It will be the opportunity to discuss the implementation of the Paris Agreement adopted in December 2015 and currently signed by 197 States. Seizing this occasion, the Region of Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceima will organise the MedCOP Climate 2016 on 18-19 July in Tangier. The MedCOP Climate 2016 is a Mediterranean multi-actor climate conference aiming to contribute through a regional perspective to the international efforts against climate change.
In line with its mandate to enhance regional cooperation on climate change issues, the Union for the Mediterranean is actively involved in the organisation of MedCOP Climate 2016 as an institutional partner. Climate Change is a threat multiplier for stability and security in the Mediterranean but through an enhanced cooperation Mediterranean countries will be able to face it. The Union for the Mediterranean, thanks to the UfM Climate Change Expert Group (UfMCCEG) which was created in 2014, is a unique platform for dialogue between the UfM Members States.
The MedCOP Climate 2016 will gather the representatives from Mediterranean countries, private sector, civil society, as well as regional and international organisations who will have the opportunity to interact and exchange the ideas during different formats of activities: debates, workshops, events and side-events. The objectives of this Mediterranean gathering are to highlight the existing initiatives related to the climate action in the region and to formulate innovative ideas by associations of local, national and regional society networks. It will also enable the stakeholders to present their projects and inform about the development of these projects. Moreover, the dialogue should encourage and raise the awareness of the benefit and need of actions against climate change in the Mediterranean region.
This conference is an important milestone for the Mediterranean countries and for the upcoming COP22 which will take place from 7 to 18 November 2016 in Marrakech.
Updated information will follow.