Second IME-UfM Webinar on WASH Policy brief
15 December 2020, online. In the framework of a study launched by the Union for the Mediterranean and following the First Webinar held last November 19th, the Mediterranean Water Institute (IME) is organising the 2nd webinar in the form of a panel with the aim to continue the discussion on Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Policy in the COVID-19 context.
The objective of such approach is to promote demonstrative projects to be replicable in the Mediterranean countries related to water sanitation and hygiene. Such approach aims to facilitate
an incentive framework, which addresses more effectively needs for sanitation and wastewater services (including reuse) and promotes innovative solutions.
The WASH programme aims to improve access to drinking water and sanitation, conditions for safer hygiene. The UN Sustainable Development Goal that applies is no. 6.2, ‘access for all under equitable conditions to adequate sanitation and hygiene services’.