Past events

All events take place in the Mediterranean Pavilion at Egypt local time

Day: 18/11/2022
Time: 15:00 -
 16:00 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate Change of Türkiye
In order to create a holistic approach, taking into account the work done under Barcelona Convention and other international agreements, side event would be beneficial to discuss the climate change issues to accelerate the work
Day: 18/11/2022
Time: 12:30 -
 13:30 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi, University of Girona, UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union
The panelists will debate on the existing gaps, actions and strategies the higher education and research sector have to adopt to contribute at reaching a more sustainable Mediterranean region
Day: 18/11/2022
Time: 11:15 -
 12:30 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate Change of Türkiye
The roles of women in family and business life are also of great importance for the success of the steps to be taken against climate change.
Day: 18/11/2022
Time: 10:00 -
 11:00 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: Climate Fresk
The event will present the complementarity of both formal and innovative science-based educational tools to accelerate climate education in the Mediterranean.
Day: 17/11/2022
Time: 18:45 -
 19:45 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: Israel Coastal Authorities Forum
Developing a coastal vulnerability index
Day: 17/11/2022
Time: 17:30 -
 18:30 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: Mediterranean Climate House Foundation
Relaunching the MEDCOP
Day: 17/11/2022
Time: 16:15 -
 17:15 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: Observatoire Méditerranéen de l'Energie
The event will discuss the role of the main Mediterranean energy stakeholders in fostering energy and climate transition and how regional energy cooperation can help meet carbon neutrality in the region.
Day: 17/11/2022
Time: 15:00 -
 16:00 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: Interreg MED Programme and UNIMED
Organised by the Interreg MED Green Growth and Blue Growth Communities, the debate will highlight the interlinkages between green and blue economy and the role of public authorities to promote innovation in this field to mitigate climate change.
Day: 17/11/2022
Time: 12:30 -
 13:30 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: The Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection
This side event aims to share the transverse modus operandi initiated by the Mohammed VI Foundation for environmental protection with its partners, for the integration of the sustainable management of plastic waste at the level of beaches and oceans.
Day: 17/11/2022
Time: 11:15 -
 12:15 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: MedPavilion
Organised by: MedWaves, the UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre for SCP
This side-event points out how shifting towards low-carbon and climate targets-compatible lifestyle has instead a far-reaching impact, if properly integrated in current climate policies.
Day: 17/11/2022
Time: 10:00 -
 11:00 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: Union for the Mediterranean
The Side event will bring together a small but exemplary representation of the large and dynamic Mediterranean SBE Community, highlighting key initiatives and projects relevant to capacity building, research, innovation, investments, etc.
Day: 16/11/2022
Time: 17:30 -
 18:30 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: RAI
A debate between journalists and scientists on how to make climate change, loss of biodiversity and all the consequences easily comprehensible and understandable and how to create an impact in social awareness
Day: 16/11/2022
Time: 16:15 -
 17:15 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: UNEP/MAP-SPA/RAC
The Event objective is to discuss whether restoration should be considered as key tool to limit or reverse the progress of climate change impacts.
Day: 16/11/2022
Time: 15:00 -
 16:00 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: MedPavilion
Organised by: MedWaves, the UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre for SCP
The panel will explore how development and innovation based on the SCP (sustainable Consumption and Production) and CE (Circular Economy) approaches are crucial to achieve net-zero economies and climate change mitigation.
Day: 16/11/2022
Time: 13:45 -
 14:45 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise (Malta)/ Counterpart from Egypt with the technical support of Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean.
The session will probe efficiency of natural resources’ use by the tourism sector and, through a Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) Nexus perspective, present solutions for supporting the sector becoming more climate resilient and sustainable.
Day: 16/11/2022
Time: 12:30 -
 13:30 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: Interreg MED Programme and UNIMED
Organised by the Interreg MED Biodiversity Protection Community, the event will look into ongoing efforts to address the impacts of marine litter on Mediterranean ecosystems.
Day: 16/11/2022
Time: 11:15 -
 12:15 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion - Auditorium
The pandemic and the impacts of climate changes and pollution on the health and productivity of the Mediterranean area are asking for an urgent on-site adoption of the most suitable climate-neutral and circular policies,protocols and technologies.
Day: 16/11/2022
Time: 10:00 -
 11:00 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: PRIMA
Climate change affects the Mediterranean region significantly more than the world average, endangering the sustainable provision of water, energy, food, and ecosystem services. The region is more vulnerable to climate change impacts than other region
Day: 15/11/2022
Time: 18:45 -
 19:45 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies and the University of Oxford
The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies and the University of Oxford
Day: 15/11/2022
Time: 17:30 -
 18:30 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: EBRD and UfM
To elevate the importance and benefits of scaling private-to-private renewable markets in the Mediterranean region at COP27, EBRD & UfM are organizing a high-level panel to discuss the latest trends, potential and challenges in this segment in SEMED
Day: 15/11/2022
Time: 16:15 -
 17:15 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: Observatoire Méditerranéen de l'Energie - OME; European Investmen Bank - EIB
Exchange about the financing needs to foster the energy transition in the Mediterranean region and the role played by financial institutions, policy makers and the industry.
Day: 15/11/2022
Time: 15:00 -
 16:00 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion, Blue Zone and online []
Organised by: IMO-UNEP/MAP Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC)
The event aims to raise awareness on the regional synergy established to reduce ship air pollution in the Mediterranean region, through technical cooperation and capacity-building activities, including financial support and resource mobilisation.
Day: 15/11/2022
Time: 12:30 -
 13:30 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion, Blue Zone and online
Organised by: German Development Cooperation
The event will discuss how new and effective energy partnerships between the European Union and its neighbouring countries in North Africa can contribute to the green transition as well as energy security.
Day: 15/11/2022
Time: 11:15 -
 12:15 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion, Auditorium
The climate targets by a large number of Mediterranean countries imply an increase of the efforts in order to reduce greenhouse emissions.
Day: 15/11/2022
Time: 10:00 -
 11:00 (Egypt local time, CET+1)
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: PRIMA
The Mediterranean is one of the hotspots for CC. Its temperature increase is a 20% higher than the world average. CC has severe consequences such as rainfall decrease, increase of water demand, sea level increase, heavy storms, wildfires, to mention