Past events
All events take place in the Mediterranean Pavilion at Egypt local time
Day: 21/11/2024
Time: 17:30 -
Place: MedPavilion - Blue Zone, Area E, F1B
Organised by: PAP/RAC - UNEP/MAP
This panel will share lessons learned on the coastal climate adaptation efforts in the Mediterranean (MedProgramme SCCF & 2.1), enhancing sustainable development and climate resilience, and mainstreaming adaptation strategies in coastal planning.
Day: 21/11/2024
Time: 16:00 -
Place: MedPavilion - Blue Zone, Area E, F1B
Organised by: RAI
The Mediterranean and Italy are pivotal in promoting sustainability to combat climate change. The Network of UNESCO Chairs and the Ecco Foundation will map good practices, involving Copeam and Rai to engage the audiovisual sector.
Day: 21/11/2024
Time: 14:30 -
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion, Blue zone F1B
Organised by: UfM
Women in the Mediterranean lead climate action as activists, entrepreneurs, officials, and scientists. However, their needs are often overlooked in climate negotiations. This event highlights their achievements and aims to inspire future leaders.
Day: 21/11/2024
Time: 12:30 -
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion, Blue zone F1B
Organised by: UfM
The energy sector's shift to sustainability must be inclusive, addressing climate goals and social inequalities. Women's participation is key, bringing unique insights and resilience to drive a cleaner, more equitable energy transition.
Day: 21/11/2024
Time: 11:00 -
Place: MedPavilion - Blue Zone, Area E, F1B
Organised by: MedECC, UfM
This session offers critical insights into the complex climate and environmental risks impacting the Mediterranean coast, such as rising temperatures, sea-level rise, and water scarcity.
Day: 20/11/2024
Time: 16:00 -
Place: MedPavilion - Blue Zone, Area E, F1B
Organised by: Earth Day Europe
The state of the art on European sustainability policies and the role of civil society in the realization of the green deal
Day: 20/11/2024
Time: 14:30 -
Place: MedPavilion - Blue Zone, Area E, F1B (hybrid)
Organised by: ECCO - the Italian Climate Change Think Tank,
Imal Initiative for Climate and Development
Mediterranean countries face urgent climate threats, impacting economic growth, security, and migration. COP29 offers a chance for a unified regional voice and collective action. The MATTCCh alliance has been created to help reach these goals.
Day: 20/11/2024
Time: 12:30 -
Place: MedPavilion - Blue Zone, Area E, F1B
Organised by: Earth Day Europe
The Event will take stock of how public and private financial institutions are responding to the need for financing more equitable and sustainable development, with a focus on developing countries.
Day: 19/11/2024
Time: 18:30 -
Place: Mediterranean Pavillon
Organised by: Earth Day Europe
Italian Minister of the Environment and Energy Security Gilberto Pichetto Fratin intervenes on the role of the younger generations in the climate debate
Day: 19/11/2024
Time: 17:00 -
Organised by: CIHEAM
Explore the transformative role of legumes in Mediterranean food systems. This session highlights their health, environmental, and economic benefits while introducing the CIHEAM Beans Meta Network to foster collaboration for sustainable development
Day: 19/11/2024
Time: 14:25 -
Place: MedPavilion - Blue Zone, Area E, F1B
Organised by: Union for the Mediterranean
Based on integrated sustainable urban mobility planning and strong governance, the rail and public transport sector will be a key player in driving the new and strengthening multimodal transport development strategies in the region.
Day: 19/11/2024
Time: 12:30 -
Place: NEW LOCATION: UNFCCC – Meeting Room 29, zone B, Blue Zone
Organised by: Malta
Organized by Malta, this high-level event with ministers will highlight the essential role of Climate Action Authorities in driving effective climate action and uniting public and private sectors.
Day: 19/11/2024
Time: 11:00 -
Place: MedPavilion - Blue Zone, Area E, F1B
Organised by: MedECC and UfM
Presentation of the Special Report ‘Interlinking climate change with the WEFE nexus in the Mediterranean Basin’ by MedECC, followed by a discussion on integrating the WEFE concept into policy-making.
Day: 18/11/2024
Time: 14:00 -
Place: MedPavilion - Blue Zone, Area E, F1B
Organised by: Union for the Mediterranean
At COP29, the Mediterranean Pavilion spotlights youth, empowering them to lead climate action. Through collaboration with Youth4Climate and YOUNGO, young Mediterranean leaders will engage with policymakers, advancing resilience and creating a Mediter
Day: 18/11/2024
Time: 15:50 -
Place: Online working session
Organised by: CIHEAM and AWC (Arab Water Council)
Interactive working session-developing concrete solutions on Water Security, Gender Equality, and Youth Inclusion in the framework of the Mediterranean Youth in Action event.
Day: 18/11/2024
Time: 13:30 -
Place: MedPavilion - Blue Zone, F1B
Organised by: Earth Day Europe
Building on the recent approval of the UN Pact for the Future and the Declaration on Future Generations,
this event will draw young people into the climate debate.
Day: 18/11/2024
Time: 12:30 -
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion, Blue zone F1B
Organised by: Union for the Mediterranean, the Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED), the Consortium of Euro-Mediterranean Universities TETHYS and the European Civic University Alliance CIVIS
Youth make up nearly half the population and hold potential for climate action. This session will unite Euro-Mediterranean universities to discuss adapting curricula for climate challenges, sharing successes, obstacles, and financial needs.
Day: 18/11/2024
Time: 11:00 -
Place: MedPavilion - Blue Zone, Area E, F1B
Organised by: ECCO - the Italian Climate Change Think Tank
At a critical juncture, the Mediterranean countries should aim for 1TW renewable energy by 2030, enhancing energy security, sustainable development, and global partnerships.
Day: 18/11/2024
Time: 12:00 -
Place: Press Conference - Karabakh Area D
Organised by: UfM
MedECC, an open and independent network of scientists supported by the UfM, will present two reports on the risks and impact of climate change in coastal zones and on the link between climate change and the WEFE nexus.
Day: 16/11/2024
Time: 15:30 -
Place: MedPavilion - Blue Zone, Area E, F1B
Organised by: Global Diplomacy Lab, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic
of Slovenia, Bled Strategic Form, Union for the Mediterranean
The Inclusive Diplomacy Lounge will unite diplomats to explore how inclusive diplomacy can prevent climate conflicts and foster peace. Keynotes will cover cross-border cooperation, resilience, and stability, linking climate resilience.
Day: 16/11/2024
Time: 14:30 -
Place: MedPavilion - Blue Zone, Area E, F1B
Organised by: MedWaves, the UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre for SCP and The Hot or Cool Institute
This side-event will highlight how shifting towards sufficiency, alongside circular, low-carbon and equitable socioeconomics pathways aligned with climate targets, can deliver transformative impacts, including rapid mitigation.
Day: 16/11/2024
Time: 12:30 -
Place: MedPavilion - Blue Zone, Area E, F1B
Organised by: Interreg NEXT MED
Green jobs are a global emerging trend. An overview of the state of play of green jobs and skills will be presented as well as some Mediterranean success stories on the topic. NEXT MED funding opportunities to develop green skills will be presented.
Day: 15/11/2024
Time: 19:30 -
Place: Mediterranean Pavilion
Organised by: FNF Madrid, IEMed, ecounion
Exclusive Study Presentation: Policy Impacts of the Climate Change Conferences in the Mediterranean. A joint effort by IEMed, ecounion and FNF Madrid.
Day: 15/11/2024
Time: 16:30 -
Place: MedPavilion - Blue Zone, Area E, F1B
Organised by: Interreg NEXT MED and MedWaves
The event will explore how sustainable eco-innovations, focused on decarbonization and reduced material consumption, can be harnessed via the 4-ple helix model. Interreg NEXT MED funding opportunities in the Circular Economy sector will be presented
Day: 15/11/2024
Time: 18:00 -
Place: MedPavilion - Blue Zone, Area E, F1B
Organised by: Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association - EMEA
This EMEA COP29 side event seeks to highlight the opportunities and challenges in nature finance, providing a platform for dialogue on how financial systems can be realigned to protect the planet while generating economic returns.