UfM Stakeholder Consultation
In view of the upcoming 2nd UfM Ministerial Meeting on Environment and Climate Action, scheduled to take place in Egypt, a UfM Online Stakeholder Consultation was launched on the 22nd of July and remained active till the 31st of August 2020.
The aim of the Stakeholder Consultation was to: provide the possibility to an even wider range of relevant actors to consult on the priority themes identified by the UfM countries that will feed the joint post-2020 Environment and Climate Action agenda; and maintain a meaningful participatory engagement of Mediterranean
and other stakeholders in the formulation of relevant regional policy, common axes of work and joint actions.
The consultation’s questionnaire (surveymonkey platform) and supporting documentation was available in English, French and Arabic.
Stakeholders were invited to view, prior to completing the questionnaire, the introductory themes and priorities. For reference, the full version of the questionnaire is available here.