Commissioner Füle expresses the European Commission Support to the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean
The Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean welcomed Mr. Štefan Füle, Commissioner in charge of enlargement and European neighbourhood policy, at the premises of the Secretariat. This visit is a cornerstone to enhancing the strong cooperation between the European Union and the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean. During the working meeting, both parties exchanged views in light of the current changes in the region. On this visit Mr. Sijilmassi commented: “I am delighted to welcome Commissioner Füle, on his first working visit to the Secretariat. It is a very important moment for us; I know I can count on the continued and increased support of the European Commission the UfM and I will work towards its further strengthening.” He also added that: “The UfM is a major regional platform that reflects the collective efforts and will of the 43 country members, partners, and stakeholders to deliver tangible results through concrete projects in the Mediterranean region.”
From his end Commissioner Füle said: “I am happy to be at the UfM headquarters, and I am keen to support the progressing dynamic role of this key structure in the Euro-med cooperation.”
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