New cooperation agreement between ALF and UfM
The Executive Director of the Anna Lindh Foundation, Andreu Claret, was present at the premises of the UfM in Barcelona for a working visit with the Secretary General of the UfM to explore future ways of cooperation.
Both institutions agreed on a greater exchange of information between both institutions, on regular invitations to each other’s activities, and to a greater strategic partnership.
The Secretary General of the UfM, Fathallah Sijilmassi, will attend the first meeting of the new Advisory Council of the Anna Lindh Foundation that will take place in Istanbul at the end of June. It was also agreed to join efforts for the upcoming Anna Lindh Mediterranean Forum in Marseille, that will bring together from 4th to 7th April 2013 more than 1000 civil society representatives from the Euro-Mediterranean region.
At the close of the working meeting, the Secretary General of the UfM and the Executive Director of the Anna Lindh Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding between both institutions. The Memorandum will serve as the umbrella under which the cooperation of both institutions will be developed.