Promoting decent job creation and quality education in the UfM region
- The UfM convened the 4th Meeting of the UfM Community of Practice (CoP) on Youth Employment in the Southern Mediterranean in Madrid on 11-12 July 2023, with another CoP Meeting planned for December 2023 in Turin, Italy.
- Composed mostly of young experts and entrepreneurs as well as UfM government representatives, the CoP made use of presentations, exchange of best practices, breakout discussions and a practical workshop on skills.
Madrid, 11-12 July 2023. The UfM held its 4th Meeting of the UfM Community of Practice on Youth Employment in the Southern Mediterranean on 11-12 July 2023 in Madrid with the support of the German Development Cooperation and the European Commission, bringing together experts from the both shores of the Euro-Mediterranean region in an effort to collect, discuss, assess and disseminate experiences and good practices inter alia in supporting decent job creation as well as quality education systems and training, skills and employability.
The Meeting started with a presentation by the European Training Foundation (ETF) on Youth Transition in the Mediterranean with a focus on skills mismatch and the future of work. Focused panels that followed were dedicated to cooperation between the Private Sector, the Public Sector and Academia to bridge the skills gap, as well as gender-related aspects, with a focus on skills for young women to enter the labour market. The Meeting employed breakout group discussions, as well as a Practical Workshop on Skills on the second day, in preparation for the UfM High-Level Meeting on Skills in the Mediterranean.
The 4th UfM Meeting of the UfM Community of Practice on Youth Employment in the Southern Mediterranean preceded the UfM High-Level Meeting on Skills in the Mediterranean which took place in Madrid on 12 July 2023 back-to-back with the CoP Meeting. Both meetings form part of the UfM Roadmap for Employment and Labour 2022-2025 following the 2022 UfM Ministerial on Employment and Labour in Marrakech, Morocco.