Visions and Actions to Promote Employment in the Southern Mediterranean
The UfM has consolidated an action-driven methodology to create effective links between the policy dimension and its operational translation into concrete projects and initiatives on the ground.
This methodology comprises three components:
Political Framework The UfM’s political dimension is structured around Ministerial and governmental representatives’ meetings that specify work priorities in key strategic areas. Through declarations adopted by consensus, the UfM Ministers define the scope and objectives of a common, comprehensive Mediterranean agenda. In 2017, the UfM Member States endorsed an action-oriented Roadmap titled “The Union for the Mediterranean: An action-driven organisation with a common ambition”.
Regional Dialogue Platforms Based on the mandate by its Member States, the UfM Secretariat coordinates regional dialogue platforms. They involve not only representatives from governmental institutions but also experts from regional and international organisations, local authorities, civil society, academia, private sector and financial institutions. These multi-stakeholder platforms serve the purpose of identifying needs, exchanging ideas, sharing experiences and best practices as well as promoting multilateral cooperation projects.
Projects and Initiatives The UfM identifies and supports concrete regional cooperation projects that enhance partnerships and interactions between promoters, partners and beneficiaries through the scaling up effect and development of innovative initiatives. The UfM acts as a catalyst of projects, accompanying promoters throughout the project lifecycle and enhancing regional dialogue to create synergies for partnerships. A UfM project label increases visibility and acts as leverage for funding and associating new partners.
Author: Lea Zanola
August 2021