Special Report Interlinking climate change with the Water – Energy – Food – Ecosystems (WEFE) nexus in the Mediterranean Basin – Summary for policymakers
The Mediterranean region is currently dealing with critical global challenges, including water scarcity, food and energy insecurity, and ecosystem degradation. These challenges are interconnected and are collectively referred to as the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) nexus. Climate change further exacerbates these challenges, making it necessary to take a comprehensive and integrated approach to achieve sustainable development and resilience in the face of evolving environmental and socio-economic dynamics.
This Special Report on the WEFE nexus is essential. It represents a significant step in understanding the complex relationships between water, energy, food, and ecosystems in the Mediterranean. The report offers a comprehensive assessment of the available scientific knowledge on these issues, covering the drivers of change, cascading impacts, and response options for addressing the multiple challenges in the region. It emphasises the need for cross-sectoral coordination, technological and social innovation, ecosystem based solutions, including nature-based, and transformative governance to mitigate risks and maximise synergies across the WEFE components.
The findings in this Special Report are the result of collaborative efforts by scientists, policymakers, and stakeholders across the Mediterranean. It builds on the First Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1) released in 2020 by MedECC, advancing the discussion by focusing on the interconnections and trade-offs between water, energy, food, and ecosystems. This report provides decision-makers with data-driven insights, along with evaluations relevant for policy-making needed for mitigating climate impacts and ensuring the sustainable management of natural resources.
November 2024