UfM Annual Report 2022
The challenges the Euro-Mediterranean area is facing amid the post-pandemic recovery, the climate emergency, and the geopolitical crises in the region have called to act together and with more resilience than ever.
The 2022 Annual Report highlights the UfM contribution to these regional efforts, as we worked to ensure that no one is left behind and that resilience and sustainability are enhanced throughout the region. We have launched three renewed regional strategies, focused on employment and labour, on women’s empowerment, and on research and innovation. The UfM Hub for Jobs, Trade and Investment was also established to enable more editions of the UfM Grant Scheme, which helped over 18,000 people across seven UfM Member States in 2022.
The progress achieved on the ground last year has crystallised as well in a key milestone: the creation of a Mediterranean Pavilion for the first time in the framework of the COP27. The initiative, conceived by the UfM, aimed to raise awareness on the Mediterranean, often overlooked in climate negotiations, and provided an exceptional opportunity for the region to talk and act as one.
This initiative and others have demonstrated how the UfM, 15 years after its creation, has established itself as the multilateral institutional framework for dialogue and cooperation in the Mediterranean, tangibly impacting lives on the ground for the citizens today and working to build a better future.
Go through this publication to discover our action for 2022, in our efforts to make the Mediterranean adapt to adversity and bounce back always stronger.
May 2023