UfM Financial Strategy for Water
The development of this Financial Strategy for Water responds to the mandate by the Ministers of the Union for the Mediterranean members in charge of Water and other Heads of Delegation at their meeting in Malta on the 27th of April 2017. Ministers called for a Union for the Mediterranean Water Agenda to enhance regional cooperation towards sustainable and integrated water management in the UfM region. They also requested that the UfM Water Agenda should be accompanied by a financial strategy designed to support its implementation and prepared by UfM members, in consultation with financial actors and the private sector as well as relevant regional stakeholders. The Financial Strategy for Water promotes the financial sustainability of the Mediterranean water sector in order to secure the social, economic and environmental benefits to be gained from the implementation of the UfM Water Agenda. It identifies challenges that are shared by many countries in the region, while recognizing that not all countries face the same exact challenges or to the same degree. It sets a shared goal, common strategic objectives, and a menu of actions, but individual countries will implement different actions according to their individual circumstances, priorities, and capacities.
Authors: Almotaz Abadi (Managing Director for Water Division, UfM Secretariat) had led the process of developing the Financial Strategy document. Roberto Martín Hurtado (Special Advisor to the UfM Secretariat) drafted the Financial Strategy document
August 2020