UfM Secretary General briefs the Foreign Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly on UfM flagship initiatives
Paris, 6 March 2019. The Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), Nasser Kamel, met today with the members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly, following an invitation by Marielle de Sarnez, Chair of the Committee.
During the meeting, Secretary General Kamel presented the recent activities and initiatives developed and supported by the UfM, underlining the role of the organisation in a rapidly evolving regional context, while emphasizing the need to reinforce regional cooperation. He provided an update on UfM region-wide agendas on women’s empowerment and water as well as on the role and involvement of the UfM in the preparation of the “Sommet des deux Rives” (Summit of the two Shores), which will be held on 24 June in Marseille. He expressed his appreciation for the support and engagement of France to Euro-Mediterranean cooperation efforts and to the Union for the Mediterranean, in particular.
During his mission to Paris, Secretary General Kamel also met with Ambassador Pierre Duquesne, Interministerial Delegate in charge of Mediterranean Affairs, to discuss the steps forward for the Summit.
Furthermore, Secretary General Kamel held a meeting with the Association of the Diplomatic Press, where they addressed, among other subjects, UfM’s initiatives to strengthen regional integration in the Mediterranean and the recent updates of the Marseille Summit. He also had an interview with the TV channel France24, where he presented the strategic axes of the UfM work in the areas of human and sustainable development.
Video from the SG participation on the Foreign Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly and in France 24