قطاع الملاحة البحرية، فرصة للتنمية والنمو في البحر المتوسط
Barcelona, 28 September 2017. The Mediterranean brings together peoples and allows for the promotion of trade and exchange. However, about 90% of the total shipping traffic of goods on average runs between the northern ports, while the total shipping traffic of goods between the ports of the southern and northern Mediterranean is only 7%. As for the maritime traffic of goods between the ports of the southern Mediterranean and the east, they represent only 1%.
The region thus promises tremendous potential for greater integration in maritime trade between the two shores of the two shores, which is a vital element in creating the conditions for increased employment, prosperity and stability in Mediterranean countries. The promotion of the port and maritime sector as a source of wealth both on land and at sea, through the development of a sustainable blue economy, and one of the priorities of the Union for the Mediterranean, which joins the passengers of the celebration of the World Maritime Day 2017 under the slogan “linking ships, ports and man.”
Constitute the tangible impact projects at the regional level , such as training programs for Ucesmad and fast shipping way and Ooptimd , and platforms dialogues and regional policies such as the first regional platform of the Union for the Mediterranean on transport networks next, political forums and ministerial meetings held with the active participation of the forty – three members of the Union of The Mediterranean is a unique methodology that has given new impetus to regional cooperation for the integration, stability and human development of the Mediterranean region.
Ehab Fahmy, Deputy Secretary-General of the Union for the Mediterranean for Transport and Urban Development, said: “The Union for the Mediterranean is joining forces with the international community to promote the maritime sector by providing a climate conducive to regional dialogue and cooperation on projects and initiatives with regional impact in the sea Mediterranean . there is no doubt that the presence of marine navigation sector, trade and logistics more integrated and effective would contribute primarily towards the creation of new jobs and achieving sustainable development and regional stability . “
Within the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Plan 2030 and the new road map developed by the Union for the Mediterranean to strengthen regional cooperation, the Union for the Mediterranean is strengthening its partnership with all global, regional and subregional initiatives and organizations to develop a comprehensive strategy on land and sea transport and logistics connectivity for the Mediterranean The medium is specifically focused on linking their networks with funding mechanisms and involving the private sector.
Reference information :
Projects approved by the Union for the Mediterranean
The General Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean is working actively with all its partners across the region to promote marine-related sectors through specific projects and initiatives of benefit to both shores of the Mediterranean.
Logistics training programs aim at enhancing transport and logistics in the Mediterranean, enhancing transport and increasing logistics competitiveness in the region, complementing existing training programs that enhance individual qualifications. The project, with a budget of € 6.6 million, targets Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco during its first phase, and the rest of the South Bank during its second phase until its completion in 2018. Logismide Training Activities
Fast shipping road project aims ( MoS ) to develop a unified service for the transfer of the diverse media of goods between Turkey (Mersin and Izmir) and the Maghreb region through Tunisia (Tunisia and Rades). With stops at the ports of Bari, Brindisi and Taranto in Italy. With a budget of € 478 million, the project estimates revenues of € 602 million during a 20-year operational life cycle for key beneficiaries (Turkey, Italy and Tunisia). The rapid maritime route project – Turkey – Italy – Tunisia
The primary objective of Optimim is to optimize and strengthen trade links between Mediterranean ports by improving trade links by 2019. With a total budget of € 37.35 million, the project will provide new opportunities for economic and institutional operators arising from the optimal utilization of the network Maritime Trade. This Union for the Mediterranean project reaches the following countries: Cyprus, Egypt, France, Italy, Lebanon and Spain. Implement Optimized – Towards a New Mediterranean Corridor
About World Maritime Day 2017
The link between ships, ports and man was chosen as a motto for the World Maritime Day 2017. This logo was chosen to provide an opportunity to focus on the many diverse actors engaged in shipping and logistics. World Maritime Day 2017 is officially celebrated at the initiative of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) on 28 September 2017. Member States and other entities are invited to observe this day activities during the same week and throughout the year.