المنصة الإقليمية للاتحاد من أجل المتوسط للبيئة والعمل المناخي
The first UfM Ministerial Declaration on Environment and Climate Change (hereinafter the Declaration) was adopted in Athens on 13 May 2014. Through this joint Declaration, the 43 UfM Ministers expressed the urgent need to join forces on three main axes of work, namely:
- The H2020 Initiative for the De-pollution of the Mediterranean Sea;
- Sustainable Consumption and Production and green/circular economy;
- Climate Change adaptation and mitigation.
Biodiversity and ecosystem protection, integrated maritime policy, integrated coastal zone management, awareness and education for sustainable development, governance and stakeholder involvement were also highlighted as areas for closer cooperation.
In order to assess progress in the implementation of the recommendations agreed upon in Athens, the Working group is mandated to meet regularly, at least every two years, and where appropriate in synergy with other regional meetings dealing with environment or climate issues. At the latest meeting of the Working group in March 2017 it was agreed focus work on the definition of the UfM post 2020 environment agenda and the steps to move towards a 2nd Ministerial Meeting