Catalonia Ecodesign Award 2015: submission open from 15th January to 28th February
The Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production is launching the Catalonia Ecodesign Award 2015. This is an initiative organized by the Government of Catalonia and it is open to candidates based in Mediterranean neighbouring countries.
The award counts on the support of SWITCH-Med, the EU funded Programme to support Mediterranean countries to shift to Sustainable Patterns of Consumption and Production, and on the collaboration of UNEP/Mediterranean Action Plan, UNEP/Division of Technology Industry and Economics and the Secretariat of Union for the Mediterranean.
The Catalonia Ecodesign Award is addressed to designers (both professionals and students), manufacturers or promoters who have an innovative product, product in development or strategy that takes into account environmental considerations that reduce the environmental impact.
The winner will receive 5,000 € and the winning entries will be included in the award exhibition, award catalogue and other dissemination activities including diffusion through the SWITCH-Med Platform (www.switchmed.eu).
Online Submissions will be opened from 15th January to 28th February 2015.
For more details, please visit: www.premiecodisseny2015.cat/en