UfM Regional Platform on Sustainable Blue Economy
With a coastline of 46,000 km and unique marine and fisheries resources, the Mediterranean Sea represents the fifth largest economy in the region, with an estimated overall value of at least €4.7 trillion, according to various studies. The region is home to 600 ports and terminals, through which nearly 30% of global seaborne trade by volume flows. As a premier global tourism hotspot, the Mediterranean is also the world’s second-largest destination for cruise tourism, hosting 10% of the world’s cruises. While the marine and maritime sectors make significant contributions to the economy, there remains substantial potential for growth. In the EU alone, the blue economy employs 3.6 million people—a 17% increase since 2020—and generates nearly €624 billion in turnover. This growth presents opportunities for creating even more jobs across the region, particularly offering quality prospects for youth.
The Sustainable Blue Economy serves as a vital pillar of the Mediterranean regional agenda and emphasizes joint collaboration aimed at:
- Revitalizing key economic sectors: This includes support for SMEs, infrastructure, maritime transport and ports, sustainable coastal and maritime tourism, fisheries, aquaculture, and marine renewable energies, all while integrating research and innovation in a sustainable manner that respects the environment.
- Promoting employment opportunities: Focused on women and youth, this involves not only creating new jobs but also ensuring that individuals are adequately trained through requalification programs. The initiative aims to stimulate investments and business development, fostering a robust labor market in targeted sectors.
The Platform's objective
The UfM Regional Platform on Sustainable Blue Economy (SBE) convenes regularly to guide the implementation of the UfM Ministerial Declarations on Blue Economy, as agreed upon by the 43 member countries. Co-chaired by the UfM Co-Presidency and supported by the UfM Secretariat, the platform brings together national representatives designated by member countries—specifically the UfM Focal Points on Sustainable Blue Economy—as well as Permanent Observers, including regional and international organisations, IFIs, the civil society and the private sector.
The objectives of the Regional Platform include:
- Shaping and Steering Implementation: Developing the regional agenda and portfolio for SBE in accordance with Ministerial recommendations and priorities.
- Creating Synergies: Facilitating collaboration among existing and emerging joint initiatives, projects, and programs, while promoting the convergence and coordination of efforts at the regional level.
- Exchanging Information: Sharing insights, best practices, and expertise among countries, experts, and stakeholders.
Additional participants may be invited on an ad hoc basis to enhance coordination with other relevant initiatives and to ensure inclusive participation from all stakeholders.
The actions of the Regional Platform are detailed in the Roadmap for the implementation of the 2021 UfM Ministerial Declaration on SBE. This Roadmap aims to provide an in-depth overview and analysis of the collective needs, gaps, and opportunities for future support, funding, and implementation related to each of the ten priorities established by the Declaration. It also includes a monitoring, reporting, and evaluation system to assess progress toward the implementation of the Ministerial objectives at the regional level.
Key priorities
The 10 priority areas of cooperation, as adopted by the UfM’s 43 Member States in the 2021 UfM Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Blue Economy in, are:
- Governance and the future of sea basin strategies in the Mediterranean region
- Marine research and innovation, skills, careers and employment
- Sustainable food from the sea: fisheries and aquaculture
- Sustainable, climate-neutral and zero-pollution maritime transport and ports
- Interactions between marine litter and the blue economy
- Coastal and maritime tourism
- Maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal zone management
- Marine renewable energies
- Maritime safety and security of blue economy activities
- Sustainable investments in the blue economy
Policy framework
On 17 November 2015, the UfM member states adopted the first Ministerial Declaration on Blue Economy, aiming to strengthen the blue economy’s potential in the Mediterranean, enhance maritime governance, and foster jobs and innovation.
The 1st UfM Regional Stakeholder Conference on the Blue Economy took place on 29-30 November 2017 in Naples, Italy, to create a Mediterranean blue economy community and promote sustainable development initiatives. During this conference, the UfM Secretariat revitalized the Virtual Knowledge Centre on the Blue Economy, now the Mediterranean Blue Economy Stakeholder Platform.
In February 2021, they adopted the 2nd Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Blue Economy, establishing ten priority areas for cooperation. This Declaration positions sustainable development, climate neutrality, decarbonization, and circularity at its core, providing a framework to fully leverage the Mediterranean’s blue economy potential.
Following this, UfM countries produced and approved a Roadmap for implementing the 2021 Declaration, outlining actionable steps to advance the blue economy in the region.
- 1st UfM Ministerial Declaration on Blue Economy.
- 2nd UfM Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Blue Economy.
- Roadmap to set the path towards the implementation of the 2021 Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Blue Economy (June 2024).
- UfM Report: Towards a Sustainable Blue Economy in the Mediterranean region, 2021.
Key dates
- 2nd UfM Stakeholder Conference on Sustainable Blue Economy (Athens, 19-20 February, 2024)
- 2nd UfM Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Blue Economy (02 February 2021)
- 1st UfM Stakeholder Conference on Blue Economy (Naples, 29-30 November 2017)
- Online stakeholder consultation to promote participation and engagement (11-25March 2020)
- UfM Ministerial Declaration on Blue Economy (17 November 2015)
Key partners
- European Commission
- Interreg Euro Med JS
- Interreg Next Med Managing Authority
- Medwaves
- Medwet
- Mission Restore our Oceans
- Plan Bleu
- University of Siena
- WestMED Initiative
- WWF-Med
The Mediterranean Blue Economy Stakeholder Platform (MedBESP), managed by the UfM Secretariat, is an online hub for the Mediterranean SBE Community and related partnerships.