The UfM Regional Platform on Trade and Investment convenes its sixth meeting
The UfM Regional Platform on Trade and Investment convened its sixth meeting in Brussels to discuss areas of priority ahead of the 12th UfM Ministerial on trade to be held in Valencia (Spain) on October 19th ,2023 .
07 June 2023. Brussels. The Member States of the Union for the Mediterranean held today the sixth meeting of the UfM Regional Platform on Trade and Investment in Brussels. During the meeting, they discussed priorities under three main headline topics of Sustainable Trade, Sustainable Investment and Regional Integration.
The meeting of the Platform was chaired by the UfM Co-Presidency; the European Commission (DG TRADE) and Jordan (Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply).
Sustainable Trade and Investment and regional Integration
The European commission presented an update on EU initiatives and EU-funded projects to support UfM on Green and Digital Transition.
DG GROW shared information about the upcoming UfM Regional Platform on Industrial Cooperation.
DG TAXUD discussed The Pan-Euro-Mediterranean (PEM) Convention.
The UfM provided information to the participants on the fifth edition of the UfM Trade and Investment Forum, which will take place during the last quarter of 2023. The Forum will provide an opportunity to debate the Team Europe initiative’s three priorities for the Southern Mediterranean: Sustainable Trade and Investment, Vocational Training and Skills, and Inclusive Entrepreneurship.
Next steps on the preparation of the 12th UfM Ministerial on trade
The meeting was an occasion to put the final touches on the draft Ministerial Declaration, following comments received from UfM Member States.
DG TRADE presented to the participants the next steps in the organisation of the Ministerial meeting on October 19th, 2023, in Spain.
The UfM Member States agreed to hold the next meeting of the UfM Regional Platform on Trade and Investment during the first quarter of 2024 in Barcelona.