UfM Energy Platforms annual meeting
31 January – 1 February 2018, Barcelona, Spain.– The annual meeting of the three UfM Energy Platforms will be the opportunity to present the deliverables and the implementation status of the activities included in the Work Program 2017 as well as to present the foreseen activities for 2018.
The UfM REM Platform aims at the progressive integration of energy systems and energy markets in the UfM region and, in particular, at the enhancement of electricity exchanges and interconnections, in order to achieve a secure, affordable and sustainable electricity supply for the benefit of citizens and economies in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
The UfM REEE Platform has the aim to promote the progressive deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures, in order to foster socio-economic development, contribute to ensure that all citizens and businesses of the region have access to secure, affordable and reliable modern energy services, as well as to support mitigation and adaptation to climate change in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
The objective of the UfM Gas Platform is to establish a regional structured dialogue allowing the progressive development of a Euro-Mediterranean gas market to promote security, transparency and predictability of both demand and supply in a manner that correctly and fairly balances the interest of producing and consuming countries and provides the basis of the long-term and the secure development of the abundant reserves in the region.