On-line UfM Stakeholder Consultation on post-2020 Environment and Climate Action priorities in view of the 2nd UfM Ministerial Conference
20 July 2020. Contributions of stakeholders from the whole Mediterranean region are key within the process leading to the 2020 UfM Ministerial Conference on Environment and Climate Action, scheduled for the end of 2020 in Egypt.
In the past two years, Mediterranean stakeholders have contributed to identifying common post-2020 priority thematic areas for the UfM Environment and Climate Action Agenda by participating in the UfM discussion groups on Environment and Climate Change.
A UfM Regional Stakeholder Conference on Environment and Climate Action, was scheduled to take place in September 2020. Due to the COVID 19 situation, it was converted into an on-line consultation, aiming to collect views and suggestions of Mediterranean stakeholders in relation to the draft Ministerial Declaration and take note of complementary elements.
All types of stakeholders are invited to participate: regional and local authorities, elected officials, government agencies, NGOs working on environment and climate change – including youth and women associations – research institutes and networks, financing institutions and donor agencies, regional business associations, Intergovernmental and International Organisations, the private sector, etc.
Before completing the short, user-friendly, online questionnaire developed for the purpose of the consultation, also available in French and Arabic, we recommend to view the introductory video with the UfM Co-Presidencies and the UfM Secretariat providing insight on the themes and priorities.
To better prepare and coordinate your inputs, download the full pdf version of the questionnaire here.
Access the questionnaire here before the 31st of August 2020.
The outcomes of the consultation will be published on this webpage and will also be shared with the UfM Senior Officials, in order to feed into the formal political process leading to the finalization of the draft Declaration of the 2nd UfM Ministerial Conference on Environment and Climate Change.
Thank you for participating!