The Union for the Mediterranean and Plan Bleu join forces at MEDCOP Climate 2023 in Tangier
22 June 2023, Tangier. The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and Plan Bleu/RAC (UNEP/Mediterranean Action Plan) co-organized Hub 3 on the Sustainable Management for Water Resources”, in the framework of the MEDCOP Climate in Tangier, Morocco. The HUB3 was inaugurated by the Vice president of Tangier-Tetouan-Alhoceima region, HE Rafik Belkorchi, Deputy Secretary General of the UFM Almotaz Abadi and Ahmed Bouari, Director at the Ministry of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries. The first session focused on the Water Energy Food Ecosystems Nexus and Integrated Coastal Zone Management and was contributed by speeches from many actors including the Coordinator of the GEF MedProgramme at UNEP/Mediterranean Action Plan, Plan Blue, Spain-Region Catalonia, GWP-med and Youth representative. The session sought to set a new ambition for local authorities and communities to manage water resources and ensure food security. More specifically, it took stock of local initiatives associated with the WEFE Nexus and ICZM, highlighting innovative proposals to promote collaborative governance that engages local stakeholders from different sectors and promotes cooperation and coordination in decision-making at the level of the territories.
The second session of the ‘Hub3’ aimed at sharing and bringing innovative ideas to build territorial resilience and consolidate a resilient and vibrant local blue economy in all Mediterranean territories. All in all, the Hub on Sustainable Water Management was able to provide concrete recommendations on how to better support local governments through more integrated approaches and adapted financial models, while informing their work with reinforced Science-Policy Interfaces, in order to ground decision-making and policies in scientific results and approaches.
The HUB3 took place in the framework of the MedCOP, where the UfM also hosted its 3rd UfM Energy and Climate Business Forum, gathering government representatives, experts, financial institutions, civil society, and private sector representatives, including young and women entrepreneurs, to explore strategies for accelerating the energy transition in the Mediterranean region.
Photogallery of the MedCOP