UfM Social Dialogue Forum
6 October 2020. The Social Dialogue Forum, as a bipartite forum, meets for the fourth time on 6-7 October 2020, in a fully virtual format and brings together representatives from national employers’ and workers’ organisations from UfM partner countries, relevant Euro-Mediterranean regional organisations, as well as representatives from the UfM Co-Presidency, the UfM, the European Commission and experts.
The Social Dialogue Forum organised in the framework of the UfM intends to contribute actively and positively to the establishment and development of strong, independent and effective social dialogues, at the bi-and/or tripartite levels in the 431UfM member countries. The 4th Social Dialogue Forum aims to build on the social partners’ 4thDeclaration on Social Dialogue (Cascais -April 2019), to share information and good practices on the state of progress of social dialogue in the UfM countries,and to exchange views on current and future priorities with a view to agreeing on the way forward based on experiences and good practices.
The meeting is organized around the following six sessions:
(1) One year and a half after Cascais–Challenges for Social Dialogue –International perspective
(2) The 2019 4thUfM Ministerial Declaration on Employment and Labour and its Roadmap for implementation
(3) Regional Programming of the European Commission
(4) The Euro-Mediterranean LabourMarket in time of Covid-19
(5) Migration and brain-drain: A Role for Social Dialogue
(6) The state of play of Social Dialogue on and between the two shores of the Mediterranean and the way forward